WITNESS TO JESUS | TENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Here is the text of the Bishop Larry Silva’s homily for the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, delivered July 1 at a Mass for the Samoan Catholic Community at St. Anthony Church, Kalihi. There is an opioid epidemic that very much concerns health officials. These are […]
Bishop Larry Silva: ‘Glory to God in the highest’
WITNESS TO JESUS: CHRISTMAS, 2017 This is the prepared text of Bishop Silva’s homily delivered at the Christmas Mass during the Night at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace and at the Christmas Mass during the Day at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. If a man is preparing to propose marriage to a […]
Bishop Larry Silva: Making ourselves slaves to Jesus
WITNESS TO JESUS This is the text of Bishop Larry Silva’s homily for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, delivered Nov. 5 at Holy Family Church, Honolulu, on the occasion of the dedication of a new altar and Veterans Day observance with the Order of Malta. There has been much news lately about monuments to […]
Bishop Larry Silva: Approach God with faith and humility
WITNESS TO JESUS This is the prepared text of Bishop Larry Silva’s homily for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, delivered Aug. 19 and 20 at St. John the Apostle and Evangelist Church, Mililani, with marriage convalidations; St. Roch Church, Kahuku, parish centennial; and St. John the Baptist Church, Kalihi, Spanish Mass. Sometimes when we […]