THE MARRIED LIFE Five babies were born to missionary families living in the small town of Allendale, Louisiana, this summer and fall. The last baby born was our newest grandson, Francis Liddel. I was there attending his baptism last month. Visiting Allendale is always a bit of a surprise. A lot of life is happening […]
Mary Duddy: A time to share family traditions
THE MARRIED LIFE As we get further into the fall and as seasons of Advent and Christmas approach, we will have lots of opportunities to celebrate. Family traditions, such as “trick or treating,” Thanksgiving, and Christmas gatherings provide special opportunities to join with extended family and friends. Big or small, let’s make the most of […]
Mary Duddy: Family ties
THE MARRIED LIFE A marriage is not created in a vacuum. Individuals grow up in a family; families are part of a larger community; and in a Christian marriage, Christ is at the center of it all. In today’s society, however, Christian marriage and family life are under attack. We can all see signs of […]
Mary Duddy: In sickness and in health
THE MARRIED LIFE Tom had surgery on his shoulder to repair a torn rotator cuff. Two weeks later I had surgery on my shin to remove a melanoma. Tom wore a sling on his arm, and I had a bandage on my leg. People at church joked, “What did you do to each other?!” Two […]
Mary Duddy: Hope in the Resurrection
THE MARRIED LIFE The parish priest was looking for someone to baptize on Easter Sunday. The catechumens were to be baptized at the Easter Vigil, but he thought that baptism was such a significant way to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, he asked if our infant son could be baptized Easter morning. We were thrilled. […]
Mary Duddy: The power of forgiveness
THE MARRIED LIFE Pope Francis says three phrases should always be spoken within a family: Please. Thank you. I’m sorry. And the hardest of these, says my husband, is to say, “I’m sorry.” How true this is. Recently I had a hard time sleeping because I knew my husband was mad at me after a […]
Mary Duddy: Gratitude after a COVID-19 crisis
THE MARRIED LIFE We recently noticed that one of our neighbors had not been outside in a while. Neither had his wife. We began to wonder if they had COVID-19, and after several days we left a note on their door but got no response. Two weeks later an ambulance came and took the husband […]
Mary Duddy: Dance with me
THE MARRIED LIFE In marriage, each spouse’s unique personality and temperament contributes to the richness of the relationship, but these differences can also be a source of irritation. In our house, arriving at an event “on time” means arriving early to my husband; not so to me. The pandemic can highlight these natural differences between […]
Mary Duddy: Thank God for small miracles
THE MARRIED LIFE Our grandson Elijah’s last request before he started third grade this year was to go fishing. Not like in Aunt Dorothy’s backyard canal where you catch small kine and throw them back. He wanted to catch a fish you could take home and eat. His Papa (father) assured him that if he […]
Mary Duddy: The good with the bad
THE MARRIED LIFE My mother wrote poems, mostly about the family. They were insightful and funny: Grab a chair and sit down dear, While I tell you of our trip up here. Hot, hot, hot as it could be Tempers flared — I’m speaking of me, Ten back seat drivers shouting at Phil, It’s a […]