OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Holy God, be with us now as we meditate on your Son’s journey to Calvary. Remind us that still, in this present day, many of your children continue that walk to Calvary, carrying heavy, difficult crosses. May we, struggling with our own crosses, always remember your promises of justice, mercy and […]
Talk story: Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine. Accept this act that we carry out with confidence and love. Grant that war may end and peace spread throughout the world. The ‘Fiat’ that arose […]
Talk story: Rivers of blood and tears
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Rivers of blood and of tears are flowing in Ukraine … War is madness! Stop, please! Look at this cruelty!” (Pope Francis, Angelus, March 6) As casualties continue to rise in the Russia-Ukraine war, Pope Francis said the Catholic Church “is ready to do everything to put itself at the service […]
Talk story: Connect to one human family
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Lord Jesus, You call us to a conversion of heart during Lent, and you give us the tools to do this through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. When we pray, help us remember the needs of our sisters and brothers. When we fast, help us offer our sacrifice in union with you. […]
Talk story: This Advent, share the hope, share the joy
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Our life becomes beautiful when we await for a dear one or someone important. May this Advent help us transform our hope into the certainty that He whom we await loves us and will never abandon us.” (Pope Francis, Nov. 27, 2021, Twitter post) Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope […]
Talk story: Support the Campaign for Human Development
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “I strongly encourage all to give generously to this CCHD collection as a way that members of the Catholic Church can proclaim the living Jesus Christ to the world and participate in building God’s Kingdom.” – Bishop Larry Silva, November 2021 Campaign for Human Development letter to the diocese This year […]
Talk story: So many in need of healing
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Christ took all human suffering on himself; even mental illness, whoever suffers from mental illness ‘always’ bears God’s image and likeness in himself, mental illness does not create insurmountable distances.” (St. John Paul II, 1996) As communities struggle with the physical, emotional and financial challenges of this pandemic, many also face […]
Talk story: Welcomed, protected, promoted, integrated
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “The Church is called to go out into the streets of every existential periphery to heal wounds and to seek out the suffering, without prejudice or fear, but ready to widen her tent to embrace everyone. Among those dwelling in those existential peripheries, we find many migrants and refugees, displaced persons […]
Talk story: An extraordinary moment of prayer
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “We have an anchor: By his cross we have been saved. We have a rudder: By his cross we have been redeemed. We have a hope: By his cross we have been healed and embraced so that nothing and no one can separate us.” (Pope Francis, March 27, 2020, in St. […]
Talk story: Overcoming malnutrition and hunger
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Along with vaccines, fraternity and hope are the medicine we need in today’s world.” (Pope Francis) Pope Francis has long advocated for health as a basic human right and for universal access to basic healthcare, especially for the most vulnerable. This Lenten season, he has underscored this point with his “Fratelli […]