OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “To hope and act with creation means above all to join forces and to walk together with all men and women of goodwill.” (Pope Francis’ message, “Hope and Act with Creation,” for the 2024 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) The intense summer heat and extreme weather we […]
Talk story: Share your love, joy and presence with the sick
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “We pray that the sacrament of the anointing of the sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.” (Pope Francis’ prayer intention for July 2024: For the pastoral care of […]
Talk story: Eucharist enriches, empowers us to serve as one ohana
Office for Social Ministry “Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, visit the sick and imprisoned. We know they are all around us, crying out for our love.” (Bishop Larry Silva’s homily at the Eucharistic Congress Mass June 8 at the Co-Cathedral of St. […]
Talk story: Fight against climate change can help migrants, too
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty. Praise be to you! (“Laudato Si’” [“On Care for Our […]
Talk story: Tuition aid will support Sacred Hearts School students
Office for Social Ministry “Earth’s creator, Everyday God, loving maker, O Jesus, you who shaped us, O spirit, recreate us, come, be with us. In your presence, Everyday God, we are gathered, O Jesus, you have called us, O spirit, to restore us, come, be with us. Life of all lives, Everyday God, love of […]
Talk story: Share your stories of encounters with Christ
Office for Social Ministry “Every one of us has encountered the Lord. Each one of us could say so much about this: seeing how the Lord has touched us, sharing the unique moments in which we perceived the Lord alive and close, who kindled joy in our hearts or dried our tears, who transmitted confidence […]
Talk story: Rice Bowl’s eucharistic roots
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MNISTRY “Today the cry of so many of our oppressed brothers and sisters rises to heaven and moves the heart of God. Lent is a time to ask ourselves: Do we hear that cry? Does it trouble us? Does it move us?” (Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2024) Pope Francis’ 2024 […]
Talk story: God’s whispering voice of hope and aloha
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “We are here to worship the God who never abandons us, but who embraces us with his whispers of comfort, love and care. And despite the difficulties you have had … know that God’s hand is moving in thousands of people throughout Hawaii, the United States, and the world in […]
Talk story: It is a burden of love
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Jesus can enter the lives of those who live with so little peace, who have to sleep by day to guard against the human predators who prowl at night … Jesus chooses each one of us to witness his presence to someone in our lives.” (Bishop Larry Silva, homily, Feast […]
Talk story: From calluses to chalices
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 15, “Sermon on the Mount”) In this year of the Eucharistic Revival, the Sunday Feast of Corpus Christi was followed by a week of daily Gospel readings from the Sermon on the Mount, which included […]
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