By Catholic Stewardship Consultants When Deacon Raffy Mendoza was 10 years old, he witnessed his father’s conversion. After attending a Cursillo retreat, his father grew closer to the Lord, and watching his father grow in faith had a profound impact on Deacon Mendoza. “I became more aware of the spiritual side of life,” Deacon […]
Without hospitality, stewardship cannot take hold
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants The dictionary defines “hospitality” as “the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.” A Christian worldview can refer to hospitality as “Christian kindness.” We see the effects of hospitality — or the lack thereof — time and time again throughout the […]
Growing in Christ and sharing his blessings
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants Each one of us is called to be a disciple of Christ. However, to be a disciple we must build a relationship with Christ. As one focuses on this relationship, the practice of stewardship naturally follows. St. Teresa of Avila remarked, “Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no […]
Preach stewardship at work through effort, gratitude
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants When we think of stewardship, we tend to think of it only in terms of what we do within the life of our parish or the broader church. We give of our time, our talent and our treasure to build the church, to serve the parish family and to give […]
Stewardship leader finds joy in helping others serve
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants Tom Sategna has a true love for serving at his home parish, Immaculate Conception Church in Lihue. But what blesses him even more is when someone steps up to serve and finds their niche in a ministry. Tom serves as the vice chair of the Diocesan Stewardship Committee, representing the […]
Learn and adopt the ‘four pillars’ of parish stewardship
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants You’ve heard about the three T’s of stewardship, but what about the four P’s? The three T’s — time, talent and treasure — describe the personal gifts we offer to the church. The four P’s are the “four pillars” of parish stewardship described by stewardship pioneer Msgr. Thomas McGread. They […]
Showing up and answering the Holy Spirit’s call
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants As Keola Kalani reflects on his life as a Christian steward, he is struck by instance after instance of the Holy Spirit at work in his life. “The Holy Spirit has definitely been at work in me,” Kalani says. “The Lord is so good in how he uses people and […]
Trust in God, and don’t be afraid to offer him ‘first fruits’
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants Have you ever wondered why no one really becomes uneasy when someone brings up the first two “T’s” of stewardship — giving of your time or talents — but when the third “T” comes up, many of us become uncomfortable? That third “T” is treasure, and some people simply become […]
Stewardship: God is ‘priority of life’ for stewardship leader
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants For Kamalani Rodrigues, a parishioner at St. John Vianney Church in Kailua, many of the things she has learned through life directly translate to her stewardship journey. Rodrigues currently serves as chair of the diocesan Stewardship Commission. Her term runs through June 2025. Being involved in stewardship aligns with her […]
Stewardship: We are all blessed with talents and abilities
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants The word “talent” often conjures up images of stage performers in the spotlight, captivating awestruck audiences with their impeccable musical or acting skills. While these talented performers are certainly deserving of applause, the majority of the population sits hiding in the shadows, staring on in amazement while feeling overlooked — […]