By Jennifer Rector Hawaii Catholic Herald Women sentenced to prison on Oahu got a chance to embrace their children for a one-day event in honor of the holiday season. On Dec. 7, a total of 38 caregivers, mothers from the Women’s Community Correctional Center and children of the incarcerated women gathered for food, fellowship, fun […]
Talk story: Celebrate and savor ohana as we enter Jubilee Year
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the door of our salvation, whom the church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as our hope. … Let us help each other discover this encounter with Christ who gives us life, […]
Christmas family reunions canceled this year
“Star Light, Star Bright,” the annual Christmas event that brings women inmates on Oahu together with their families, has been canceled this year due to COVID-19. But you can still continue to support the families of those incarcerated. The Oahu Going Home Consortium-OGHC, a group made up of parishes, non-profits and government agencies, is putting […]
Photo: Hugs and kisses
This year’s 20th annual “Star Light, Star Bright” Christmas party for women inmates and their children at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua took place Dec. 7. The moms and their kids had a chance to decorate cookies, watch a puppet show tailored to them, play games, make arts and crafts, enjoy lunch and […]
Christmas party for women inmates, kids seeks gift cards, donations
It’s the 20th annual “Star Light, Star Bright” Christmas party, and organizers are looking for help to cover the costs of the reunion between female inmates and their keiki. The party, to be held this year on Dec. 7, is sponsored by the diocesan Office of Prison Ministry and thrown at the Women’s Community Correctional […]
Diocese-sponsored event promises summer reunions for prison families
SUN LIGHT, SUN BRIGHT By Kapono Ryan Special to the Hawaii Catholic Herald A teenage boy from a neighbor island sat quietly by himself on the patio of St. Stephen Diocesan Center. It had been a long but enjoyable day celebrating with his mother at “Star Light, Star Bright,” the Christmas party organized each December […]
Star bright moments
Here are scenes from the 2018 “Star Light, Star Bright” Christmas party at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua on Dec. 8. The annual event is for women inmates, their children and the kids’ caregivers. The Diocese of Honolulu’s Office of Prison Ministry sponsors the event. This year’s party included lunch, treats from an […]
Donations sought for Christmas party for women inmates and their children
Star Light, Star Bright! 2018 “Star Light, Star Bright,” the annual Christmas party the diocesan Office of Prison Ministry throws for women inmates at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua and their children, this year has added a new gift suggestion, perhaps an obvious one — a Christmas tree. In addition to a traditional […]
Photos: Christmas joy shining brightly
The diocesan prison ministry hosted its annual “Star Light, Star Bright” Christmas party at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua, Dec. 9. With games, crafts, food, music and a visit from Santa Claus (Deacon Richard Abel in costume, top right), Star Light, Star Bright is a day of fun where women inmates reunite with […]
Star Light, Star Bright party brings Christmas joy to separated families
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald “Star Light, Star Bright” is a “dream of hope that the simple act of giving would help mend damaged or strained relationships among incarcerated mothers, their children and caregivers,” said Deacon Walter Yoshimitsu, diocesan chancellor. ‘Tis the dream’s 17th season. The annual Christmas party for imprisoned women and their […]