CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS I heard someone say, “If God brings you to it — he brings you through it.” So true for what has been a very difficult time living through the pandemic, especially in the field of education. Schools are reopening with students returning to in-person classroom experiences. While there was some friction about […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Meeting the faithful post-pandemic
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS Now that churches are reopening, the expectation of so many in parish leadership is that things will simply return to normal. We are a nation that remains divided on how to deal with COVID-19 and as such many Catholics have an expectation of choice regarding how they experience Mass safely. While many […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: The seed of a vocation sprouts
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS The months of May and June are typically designated for ordinations in dioceses and archdioceses across the country. The Diocese of Honolulu celebrated the ordination of Father “Ace” Tui on May 21. We are called to pray for an increase in vocations daily. Earlier generations used to pray deeply for one of […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Satan, beasts and angels
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS On the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel according to Mark proclaimed: “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for 40 days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him.” So often the imagery associated with Jesus’ time in […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Planning your Lenten journey
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS By Sherry Hayes-Peirce Last year Lent began on Feb. 26, and just one week later churches around the world began to close in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. All the best-laid plans of parishes shattered as houses of worship were shuttered. That period of quarantine was a metaphor for […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Keeping online practices into the new year
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS It seems there has never been a new year more globally anticipated than 2021 following the challenges associated with the pandemic. Efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 shuttered businesses and churches, inspiring parishes to develop new online ways to connect with parishioners and practice the faith. I wrote about some of […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Online joy with Isle’s singing sisters
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS We journey through Advent in anticipation of Christmas, taking many paths as we prepare for Jesus’ birth. One of the ways I have gotten into the spirit of the season for many years is to attend the Daughters of St. Paul annual Christmas concert to stir my soul with songs of this […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Virtual conferences are here to stay
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS And that’s a good thing A big part of my year is usually devoted to traveling to speak at Catholic conferences. But as the impact of the pandemic forced organizations to pivot from in-person conferences to virtual ones, I had to pivot too. So far, I have been a virtual speaker for […]
6 spiritual ways to celebrate All Hallows Eve
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS By Sherry Hayes-Peirce The secular world celebrates the last day of this month, Oct. 31, as Halloween, a holiday about dressing up, trick-or-treating, and scaring people. For our church, it is the start of 48 hours celebrating those who have been elevated to sainthood on All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and our […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Four ways to navigate distance learning
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS School is back, but for many it’s online. Even though students and parents were not unprepared for this experience, it was still difficult to accept that once again there would be distance learning for now. In addition to distance learning, many parents are grappling with the challenges of living under the new […]