CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS On Oct. 21, 2012, Hawaii celebrated the second saint from our Catholic ‘ohana. This year marks the 10th anniversary of that blessed day in Rome when our beloved Mother Marianne Cope was canonized. Sister Alicia Damien Lau, a sister of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, participated in the canonization Mass 10 […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Talking with your pandemic-impacted teens
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS Sparking conversations with today’s teens is hard! Two years of living in a pandemic have affected the mental health of our teenagers in extraordinary ways. Social isolation shined a light on the anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses plaguing teens and college students. The book “Three Big Questions That Can Change Every […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: The pope’s latest prayer intention
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TIPS Every month our Holy Father Pope Francis asks us to pray for a specific intention. For the month of July, the intention is the elderly. Every ohana, or family, should cherish its members who are the largest branches of the family tree, the kupuna, or elders. “Stand up in the presence of […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Join the eucharistic revival
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS Every Sunday at Mass we are invited to sit at the table of the Lord and behold the mystery of the bread and wine being consecrated and transformed into the real presence of the body and blood of Christ. For many Catholics, this tenet of our faith has simply become symbolic. “I […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Ambassadors of aloha
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS Hearing the news that the Pauline Book and Media store was closing in Honolulu made me a little sad. But I also know that the Daughters of St. Paul who have been assigned to Hawaii will carry the culture of aloha wherever they go, reflecting the diversity of this amazing religious order. […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Six ways to celebrate Eastertide
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS Alleluia! This year the joy of Easter is amplified by the opportunity to celebrate Mass in person as a community for the first time in two years without limitations. Families will most certainly gather in the way that they are most comfortable. Many have referred to Lent 2020 being extended through the […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: A listening church
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS We are in the midst of an amazing time for our holy Catholic Church. A time where you have been invited to share your thoughts on how we can gather together in communion as communities of faith, how we can be in active participation in parish life and define the future mission […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Six things to do to respect life
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS The gift of life comes from the Lord. Our church focuses many activities on respecting the gift of life at all stages in the month of January. At a time when so many lives have been lost in the pandemic it is even more important to pray for life. As the social […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Five ways to find peace during the Advent season
CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS The season of Advent is a time we are called to be filled with the expectation of the coming of Christ into the world. A time to reflect on the themes of hope, peace, joy and love. One of the most elusive themes for most is to find peace. “Peace” is defined […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Say the deceased person’s name
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sherry Hayes-Peirce (@church_social_tips) CHURCH SOCIAL TIPS We are just days away from All Hallows Eve, and so many of us will dress up for a party or trick or treating. For the faithful though, Nov. 1, All Saints Day, and Nov. 2, All Souls Day, is […]