EMBRACING FAMILY It’s that time of year again: report card conferences. Emotions run the gamut. Some parents are excited; some are nervous. Others are anxious because they want their child to make the honor roll. Honestly, none of these emotions are relevant. Report card conferences are about the CHILDREN, not the parents. This is an […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Supporting our kids through trauma
EMBRACING FAMILY Maui, our hearts break with yours. Now, our hearts beat together with yours. Let us kokua. We are here for you. Lean on us. Lokahi. Together we are strong. Traumatic events are hard for everyone, especially children who may feel overwhelmed and frightened and have not yet learned coping skills for these […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Prepare for the big day!
EMBRACING FAMILY Are anxieties increasing in your house? Are you feeling stressed about the big day? Do you feel ready and prepared? Well, it’s time to get ready because the new school year is rapidly approaching. Some kids are excited, some are anxious, and some have mixed feelings. Regardless of how they are feeling, preparing […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Real fathers
EMBRACING FAMILY In his apostolic letter “Patris Corde,” Pope Francis said, “Fathers are not born, but made. A man does not become a father simply by bringing a child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child. Whenever a man accepts responsibility for the life of another, in […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Parenting is not for wimps!
EMBRACING FAMILY Parenting is not for wimps. Sleep-deprivation. Long hours in the office. Long hours at home. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. Coughs and runny noses. Trips to the urgent care. Our small children cry and want hugs because they want us with them. Later they cry because they don’t want us there and […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Lent: Life-changing? Or just 40 days?
EMBRACING FAMILY Let’s be honest. As the 40 days of Lent are nearing completion, we find ourselves in a quandary: we’re excited that we only have another week or two of our Lenten resolutions, but that excitement is offset by the somber reality of Holy Week. Our fasting from negativity, gossip, sweets, coffee, etc., […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Lenten resolutions eager or meager?
EMBRACING FAMILY Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. We’re always preparing. We prepare food, work, laundry, dishes, the house for company. Now, it is […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: How am I supposed to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas?
EMBRACING FAMILY Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. It seems like there is so much to prepare during December: school plays, parties, presents, presents, […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Change, it’s coming
EMBRACING FAMILY We share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. Autumn is a season of change. Some locations have the changing of the colors of the leaves, which fall and leave a […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: A love-hate relationship with chores
EMBRACING FAMILY Have you ever found yourself in a conflicted relationship with chores? Some of us view them as a necessary evil and “tolerate” them, doing only what is necessary. Others find doing chores cathartic, enjoying them, and experiencing a sense of calm and satisfaction upon completion. Most of us fall somewhere in between these […]