THE ELECT In Rites of Election, Hawaii’s parishes and Catholic communities to welcome those to be baptized at Easter By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The coronavirus pandemic has altered another Lenten practice, the Rite of Election. That is the event at which catechumens, also called the elect, make public their intention to receive in […]
Diocese to welcome this year’s catechumens at five Rites of Election
The diocese has scheduled five Rites of Election, ceremonies in which Hawaii’s catechumens 7 years old and older preparing for baptism at Easter are welcomed and recognized by the bishop or bishop’s representative. At the rites, the catechumens, also called the elect, make public their intention to receive at the Easter Vigil April 11 the […]
Photo: Valley Isle elect
Twenty candidates for full initiation in the Catholic Church signed the Book of the Elect at the Maui Vicariate Rite of Election at St. Theresa Church, Kihei, March 10. They are pictured here with their sponsors and pastors. Maui vicariate religious education liaison Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet Angie Laurenzo presented the group of […]
Photo: Rite of Election
Oahu catechumens gathered at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu on March 10 for the Rite of Election. Each catechumen signs the Book of the Elect as they prepare to enter the Catholic Church this Easter. Similar Rites of Election were held on the Big Island, Kauai, Oahu and Maui. In his […]
Rites of Election 2019
[BISHOP OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE] ‘‘Do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist?’ [CATECHUMENS] ‘We do.’ [BISHOP OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE] ‘Then offer your names for enrollment.’ By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The passages above are from the dialogue that will take place […]
The Rite of Election
“And now, my dear catechumens, I address you. Your own godparents and teachers and this entire community have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you to the Easter sacraments. “Since you have already heard the call of Christ, you must now express your response to […]
Catechumens to sign their intent to be baptized in Rites of Election
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Hawaii’s catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to be baptized at this year’s Easter Vigil, March 31, at five Rites of Election on four islands where they sign their names in their parish’s Book of the Elect for presentation to the bishop or bishop’s representative. […]
Photo: Valley Island catechumens
The Maui Vicariate Rite of Election March 5 at St. Theresa Church, Kihei, welcomed 16 catechumens from six Valley Isle parishes stating their intent to enter fully into the life of the Catholic Church. Their teachers and godparents, as well as Deacon Pat Constantino, Marianist Father Roland Bunda and Father Jaime Jose were there to […]
Photo: Called by name
The Islands’ catechumens, which this year number more than 200, signed their names into the Book of Elect at Rite of Election ceremonies across the diocese during the first weekend of Lent, March 4-5. Shown here are photos from the Rite of Election for Oahu catechumens, March 5 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. Bishop […]
Hawaii’s catechumens 2017
West Honolulu Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, Honolulu Damour Danny Tammy Martin Jayden Takeuo Jdee Takeuo Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu Myah Aviguetero Shawne Balacan Nalani Dela Cruz Tehani Enfield Isaac Franklin John Theodore Franklin Lisa Aiko Parker Mel Rosario Ramos Doui Marceline Sewa Andrew Smith Josephyn Ve‘a Holy Family, Honolulu Caylen Corpus […]