Witness to Jesus | First Sunday of Lent Here is the prepared text of the homily delivered on March 8 at St. Anthony Church in Wailuku for the Maui Vicariate rite of election; and on March 9 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu for the rite of election for Oahu vicariates. Signing on […]
Diocese will welcome 284 new Catholics at Easter Vigils this year
By Jennifer Rector Hawaii Catholic Herald The Diocese of Honolulu saw another uptick in catechumens this year, continuing a positive trend since the numbers plummeted in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. At Easter Vigil liturgies across the state on April 19, 284 catechumens will receive the sacraments of initiation — baptism, first holy Communion and […]
241 to be baptized this year at Easter Vigils across the diocese
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald On March 30, at Easter Vigil liturgies in churches across the islands, 241 catechumens will be baptized, a 10% increase from the year before. The catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to receive the three sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and first Eucharist […]
Catechumens 2024
Hawaii’s 2024 catechumens Here are the names of those being baptized at the Easter Vigil this year West Honolulu Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace Jude S. Oshiro Jenna Elizabeth Porter Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu- Tesguhn Shen Zhi Garedo Sherrie Kae Laibuck Lum Garedo Leilani Legatasia Warren Kazgo Okuma Brandon Tidao Tamashiro Jenesis […]
Photos: Rite of Election
The delegation from St. John the Baptist Parish in Kalihi take to their assigned pew at the Rite of Election, Feb. 26, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu. More than 200 catechumens, or elect, signed Books of the Elect in Rites of Election across the diocese over the last weekend in February. All […]
222 to be baptized in island churches at the Easter vigil
A catechumen signs his name in the Book of the Elect in last year’s Rite of Election. (HCH file photo) By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald On April 8, at Easter Vigil liturgies in churches across the islands, 222 catechumens will be baptized. The catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to […]
Photo: Sign me up
Father Peter Miti, left, pastor of Resurrection of the Lord Parish in Waipio, holds steady the Book of the Elect while a young catechumen signs it during the Rite of Election March 6 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. Those welcomed in rites of election throughout the diocese will receive the Sacraments of Initiation — […]
Diocese to welcome 204 catechumens in Rites of Election
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The Diocese of Honolulu will see 204 catechumens baptized in parishes across Hawaii this Easter Vigil, April 16, 55 more than last year. The catechumens 7 and older, also called the elect, will make public their intention to receive the three sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and first […]
Bishop Larry Silva: Doing the riskiest thing imaginable
WITNESS TO JESUS | FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT This is the prepared text of the homily by Bishop Larry Silva for the First Sunday in Lent, celebrated Feb. 20 and 21 along with Rites of Election at St. Catherine Church, Kapaa, the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, Honolulu, and the Co-Cathedral of St. […]
Photos: Inscribing their names
Catechumens sign the Book of the Elect at the Rite of Election Feb. 21 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa as Bishop Larry Silva welcomes them. Hawaii this year will have 150 catechumens baptized and receiving the sacraments of confirmation and holy Eucharist in their parishes this Easter Vigil April 3. Because of the pandemic, […]