Hawaii is closer to gaining 10 permanent deacons after the candidates in Cohort 11 participated in the rite of acolyte Mass Jan. 12 at St. Stephen Diocesan Center in Kaneohe. Bishop Larry Silva presided. The men in Cohort 11 are, from left: Emilio Macalalad, St. Damien of Molokai; Peter Gumataotao, Holy Trinity; Alvin Sniffen, Our […]
Annual retreat for deacons and wives to feature Augustinian priest
By Deacon Michael Weaver Special to the Herald “Clerics have a special obligation to seek holiness in their lives, because they are consecrated to God by a new title through reception of holy orders, and are stewards of the mysteries of God in the service of his people.” (Canon 276:1) The deacon community of the […]