The Scrub Bucket Gospel Ministries will gather 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, in the St. Anthony Parish day chapel in Kailua to reflect on the Scripture quote, “This I know … God in on my side.” All are welcome. There is no charge. A free will offering will be collected.
Contemplative retreat for women offered
Scrub Bucket Gospel Ministries presents “Be Rooted in Jesus,” a women’s contemplative retreat, Friday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m. to Sunday, Nov. 6, 1:30 p.m. at St. Anthony retreat Center, Kalihi Valley. The retreat is open to 20 participants. The cost of $275 includes private room and bath with AC and meals and Sunday brunch. […]
Scrub Bucket offers Advent Zoom faith sharing
Scrub Bucket Gospel Ministries with Maxine Pollock invites you to an Advent faith sharing via Zoom with the theme “My Grace is All You Need,” Saturday, Dec. 11, 9-10 a.m. The meeting number is 891 2065 1414, passcode: scrub.
Scrub Bucket Ministries offers Advent retreat
Scrub Bucket Gospel Ministries is offering the morning Advent retreat, “Prepare Ye the Way,” 8:30 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Nov. 30, in St. Anthony Parish Hall, Kailua. All are welcome. There is no charge, but a free will offering is appreciated. For information, call Pat Tom, 261-8104, 729-2991; or Maxine Pollock, 254-1091.