Aloha, The Gospels for the Sundays before and after Tropical Storm Iselle hit Hawaii were about Jesus multiplying loaves and fishes for the hungry crowd and then calming the storm, saying, “Be not afraid.” These readings illustrate how faith can help us face whatever challenges arise and how we can collaborate in God’s miraculous actions. […]
Cancer ministries: The church reaches out to those affected by the devastating disease
Cancer survivors Ann Jones of Holy Trinity Church and Iwie Tamashiro of the diocesan Office for Social Ministry will be on hand at an Aug. 23 event at St. Stephen Diocesan Center to provide information on starting cancer support ministries at local parishes. (HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz) Cancer survivors, caregivers and those […]
Office for Social Ministry: Standing up for our veterans
Aloha, On Aug. 6, many were preparing for Hurricanes Iselle and Julio to hit Hawaii, including a good number of the state’s full-time National Guardsmen. That same day, it was announced the state had received additional funding, hundreds of thousands of dollars, to help house homeless veterans. One out of every three homeless males in […]
Office for Social Ministry: God didn’t give me cancer
Aloha, When you’re told you have cancer, and then reminded that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle, it’s only natural to translate that to mean that God gave you cancer. Really? God is the reason my world has been turned upside down? And who doesn’t look back with sadness remembering all the […]
Office for Social Ministry: We can make a difference
Aloha, “We can make a difference!” These words may have been among those proclaimed by the early Christians at Pentecost when they went out to share the Good News. These words were repeated often by folks recently gathered at Catholic Charities on Oahu for a Partners in Care retreat on advocacy around homelessness and affordable […]
Office for Social Ministry: Ohana means family
Aloha, The Ohana Mass, which just celebrated its first year anniversary in our diocese, is a liturgy where most of the liturgical ministers (lectors, altar servers, eucharistic ministers) are persons with disabilities. All persons, including those who use walkers and wheelchairs, are encouraged to participate in the Ohana Mass in a variety of ways, such […]
Office for Social Ministry: One of three homeless men is a veteran
Aloha, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.”(John 15:13). It is fitting to remember Jesus’ words this Memorial Day weekend as we honor those who gave their lives in the service of our country. The passage also provides us the opportunity to thank all veterans who have dedicated […]
Office for Social Ministry: Nutrition education for everyone
Aloha, On Holy Thursday, we celebrated Jesus instituting the Eucharist at the Last Supper. At that special liturgy, the “washing of the feet” reminded us that the Eucharist is founded and grounded in service. Jesus gathers us as one ohana to be fed by his body and blood so we can then go out and […]
Office for Social Ministry: Help alleviate homelessness, sign a petition
Aloha, This Lent we’ve been talking about a lot of good work parishes have been doing for those less fortunate — like organizing the community to feed the hungry, growing food in local farms and community gardens, and supporting women coming out of prison. These efforts have several things in common. They respond to Jesus’ […]
Office for Social Ministry: Pictures to share
Aloha, We thought we would share some pictures taken by Bernadette Baraquio at recent events we attended. Enjoy! At Malia Puka O Kalani Church in Keaukaha on the Big Island, parishioners collect items to furnish a homeless veteran’s new apartment. The Mardi Gras celebration at St. George Parish, Waimanalo, was an opportunity for parishioners to […]