This month Pope Francis will gather in Rome experts from around the world to discuss global climate change and its impact on our planet, including the connection of our environmental stewardship to the campaign of international Catholic aid organization Caritas, “One Human Family — Food for All.” The Vatican hopes this summit will “help build […]
Talk story | Office for Social Ministry: Washing feet
“If therefore the master and teacher have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet … as I have done for you, you should also do” (John 13:14-15) These sacred words of Scripture were acted out in Holy Thursday services around the world. This year, Pope Francis celebrated the Mass of Our Lord’s […]
Talk story | Office for Social Ministry: Moved by stories of hunger
Entering Holy Week, Christians everywhere focus on the Greatest Story ever: the Passion Narrative. During Lent, U.S. Catholic schools have been using the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl online app to allow students to share their thoughts about stories of hunger around the world. Here are examples of what some seventh and eighth graders in […]
Talk story | Office for Social Ministry: Bowlful of prayers, quizzes
“Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” —Pope Francis All over the United States, including Hawaii, people are using Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl activities such as “Lenten Prayer Eggs” and quizzes […]
Talk story | Office for Social Ministry: Three ways to bring Lent home
“Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” —Pope Francis This week, a student gave up two “monster tacos” at a local fast food chain because she knew her sacrifice, through Catholic Relief […]
Office for Social Ministry | TALK STORY: Food and shelter
“Land, housing and work are increasingly unavailable to the majority of the world’s population. … Demanding this isn’t unusual, it’s the social doctrine of the church.” — Pope Francis, October 2014 Pope Francis spoke these words at the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Rome, and repeated the message around the world, including during his […]
Talk story: When ‘Catholic’ means ‘help’
“One little girl of about 12 told one of my colleagues that when she and her family first came to the refugee camp, the children all told her to go to the building that said “Catholic Relief Services.” She said she didn’t know what it was, and as a Muslim she had never heard the […]
Talk story: Beginning the new year witnessing to Jesus
As we begin our journey this new year seeking to witness to Jesus by deepening our love of God and neighbor, the feast of the Epiphany and images of the Magi remind us of the international appeal of the vulnerable child in the manger. Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippines also shows us how global […]
Office for Social Ministry: Holiday thanks-giving list, continued
“Be not afraid … everything is possible with God.” St. Luke 1:26…47 Mary’s response to the angel set a perfect example for Advent and all seasons. Her selfless “yes,” immediately followed by her visit to her pregnant cousin Elizabeth, was her way of giving thanks to God. Today, parish volunteers across the diocese follow our […]
Office for Social Ministry: Our thanks-giving list!
“I will give thanks to God with my whole heart.” (Psalm 9:1) “Made your list yet?” We’re not talking about your shopping list, or your list for Santa, or your Christmas card list. We’re talking about a thanks-giving list to God as we begin this holy season. Our thanks-giving list was way too long to […]