THE MARRIED LIFE My mother wrote poems, mostly about the family. They were insightful and funny: Grab a chair and sit down dear, While I tell you of our trip up here. Hot, hot, hot as it could be Tempers flared — I’m speaking of me, Ten back seat drivers shouting at Phil, It’s a […]
Treasuring the elderly during this pandemic
THE MARRIED LIFE By Mary Duddy During this pandemic the plight of our most vulnerable elderly has come to the fore. Some are in nursing homes; others are in family homes; all are precious in God’s eyes. I admire and honor those who give of themselves to care for these beloved ones. Many come to […]
Mary Duddy: Peace in a pandemic
THE MARRIED LIFE During the coronavirus pandemic many people are taxed in ways they didn’t expect. I especially have compassion for young families who have extra duties thrust upon them such as working from home and social distance learning for their children. We decided early on that our youngest daughter and her family were considered […]
Mary Duddy: Family prayer
THE MARRIED LIFE “The family that prays together, stays together.” Let’s take this wisdom to heart. When our children were little we had family prayer every night after dinner. It usually involved a Bible story, appropriate for children, maybe a song, some thank you prayers and some petitions. Children’s prayers are so without guile. Children […]
Mary Duddy: Humor at the dinner table
THE MARRIED LIFE My mom used to say it was the Lord’s sense of humor that she had to cook for a large family since she never liked to cook. She had the one-hour rule for dinner. That is, it had to take one hour or less to prepare. She didn’t want to spend all […]
Mary Duddy: Expectations
THE MARRIED LIFE We all enter marriage with unconscious expectations of what our spouse should be like based on our past experiences. A man may expect the admirable traits that his mother has, while a woman may emulate certain traits of her father. On the other hand, if the parents were not good role models, […]
Mary Duddy: Marrying Tom or the military?
THE MARRIED LIFE The bishop where I worked in North Carolina wanted to talk to me about my recent engagement to Tom. He had never met Tom, but he had a sister who married someone in the military and she experienced many hardships. Knowing that Tom was in the Navy and what that lifestyle might […]
Mary (and Tom) Duddy: Whole Foods reminders and hurts
THE MARRIED LIFE “As the hind longs for the running water, so my soul longs for you O God!” (Psalms 42:2) Mary: “Stop!” Tom said, and he pointed to a deer in the forest coming slowly toward us, with its mate not far behind. The deer came so close we could probably have reached out […]
Mary Duddy: Dreams of marriage and newspapers
THE MARRIED LIFE The first time I met my husband Tom was at a Cursillo closing Mass. He was playing the accordion and seemed so joyful I remember thinking, “Now that’s the kind of man I’d like to marry!” Little did I know that thought would come true. But we didn’t meet again for six […]
Mary Duddy: An introduction
THE MARRIED LIFE The Hawaii Catholic Herald welcomes a new local columnist, Mary Duddy, who will write on marriage and family issues, topics with which she is very familiar. She won’t necessarily appear in every issue, but as inspiration strikes. Here is her introduction. My husband Tom and I came to Hawaii on orders from […]