Participants in last year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity pray around the Taize cross at the Newman Center. (HCH file photo) “Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.” Don’t worry, even old-time religion Catholics needn’t fret about being tested on the translation from the Latin. Here it is: “Where charity and love are, […]
Mary Adamski: ‘Assignment: Advent’
Advent always feels a little like the end of the semester, when the deadline for the final term paper is looming and the final exam is ahead and you’ve schluffed off on the required reading and the homework, and you start hyperventilating about what it’s going to mean to your GPA. No matter how many […]
Mary Adamski: From here to eternity
Getting to church early on All Souls’ Day is a tradition of mine. I hope for a few moments in solitude and quiet to focus on the book. Not the liturgy of the day, but the Book of Dead, the ledger that will be out near the altar all month, a congregational prayer list open […]
Mary Adamski | View from the pew: A time to every purpose
“To everything there is a season.” Familiar words, a passage from the Old Testament that you’ll hear in a homily, often in a eulogy, sometimes in politicians’ rhetoric. There it was in the daily newspaper Sept. 23, on that page dedicated to deep, thoughtful, insightful perspectives on our lives and times. No, it wasn’t the […]
Mary Adamski: Jesse, meet Matt
Conquering addiction requires friends, family, saints We celebrated a milestone in the life of a beloved elder a couple weeks ago by following his longstanding wishes. There was no party, no gifts, no spreading the word so more people would chime in. It’s an anniversary he never announces in advance and I don’t believe he […]
Mary Adamski: Peace be with you
Pentecost usually charges me up. The idea of the Holy Spirit taking hold of my brain and expanding my understanding of my world with God in it, the imagery of tongues of fire alighting on all Christians through the ages, not just the first few; I can track that back to a brilliant teacher in […]
Mary Adamski: The greatest of these is charity
Expect another “ta-DAH” announcement any day from city hall about yet another solution to the homeless problem. Oops, do I mean homeless issue? Has problem become politically incorrect? I don’t expect another of those city government lightning strikes to replace tents with flower planters, or haul the last pitiful possessions of people away as trash; […]
Mary Adamski: Saint potential in blue denim
Visions of saints will be before us this weekend as the Catholic Church bestows that title on two former popes. We’ll envision them in white robes because that’s how we saw them on the television screen and other media in recent history, Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005, and Pope John XXIII, who […]
Mary Adamski: Listening — It’s an act of love
How did they tell the story later, Peter, James and John, I wonder, Good Jewish men, they’d been raised on the story from centuries earlier about Moses going to a mountaintop and hearing Yahweh himself establishing his covenant with Israel. There the three humble fishermen were, on another mountaintop when they witnessed Jesus, joined by […]
Mary Adamski: With Lent, thoughts of food
Something about Ash Wednesday brings out the child in us. We’re going to hear the familiar Gospel account of Jesus telling the disciples not to flaunt their praying, almsgiving and fasting to get public attention. But we’re going to hope Father swishes a good dark gob of ashes on our forehead so we can walk […]
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