FAITH AT HOME “Lord, now let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled.” Thus begins the Canticle of Simeon, the prayer drawn from the words of the prophet who held the baby Jesus in the Temple at the presentation (Lk 2:29-32), a prayer often known by its Latin name “Nunc Dimittis” (“now […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Trust the manna
FAITH AT HOME We’re flying by the seat of our pants. School is back in swing. Work is back to busy-as-usual. Meanwhile, gas and groceries cost more than ever, and the future feels uncertain depending on the hour or the headlines. It’s hard to know where to place our hope or trust these days. Lately […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Where is God on your calendar?
FAITH AT HOME Where does God show up on your calendar? I pose this as a real question, not a rhetorical one. If someone found your planner on the bus or a stranger glanced at your calendar on the wall or a hacker gained access to your phone’s events, would they see any sign you […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Catching God at the ballfield
FAITH AT HOME As a mother of five boys, I have spent countless nights at baseball fields, but never have I glimpsed God in the dugout until tonight. Can I confess that I was bored by my own son’s game — bored only because his team was winning and he’d finished pitching, so my attention […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Speaking of resurrection
FAITH AT HOME By Laura Kelly Fanucci We don’t talk enough about resurrection. How a marriage can be resurrected: How what felt dead and gone, ready to be buried in the dark earth forever, is not always dead and gone. How a friendship can be resurrected: How speaking hard words can breathe new life into […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: How to work for mercy at home
FAITH AT HOME We tend to look outside our walls to ask how we can help. Where are the hungry or homeless in our community? How can we care for those in poverty or prison? But the works of mercy call us to look closer: to see those around us as Christ, too. Often it’s […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: What would God do?
FAITH AT HOME Tonight the news is swirling from the radio as I cook dinner. Is the world on the brink of war? I stir and fret, trying to pray. The kids rush in from the yard, dripping snow and mud from their boots. Sweaty and flushed, they fling themselves at the table, hungry and […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Is your parish family-friendly?
FAITH AT HOME Who doesn’t want the church to grow or the next generation of Catholics to embrace a deep love for their faith? One simple way we can do this is by asking how our parishes are welcoming to families — of all ages, abilities, shapes and sizes. Start small. Are electrical outlets covered […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Shepherd or judge? A tale of two sacraments
FAITH AT HOME When I made my first confession, I clutched an index card with sweaty palms. On one side, I’d copied the act of contrition, dutifully memorized — but what if I tripped up in the heat of the moment? On the reverse was a detailed list of my sins, anxiously scribbled lest I […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Remember, it’s not about you
FAITH AT HOME Remember last year when we wanted nothing more than to celebrate with family and friends like usual? Now we’re on the brink of a holiday season with hopes as bright as Christmas lights. But with the return of traditions, travel and time together, we may also encounter the gripes, grudges and jostles […]