QUESTION CORNER Q: What is the church currently teaching about the Real Presence in other denominations? I thought that at one time we recognized both the Lutherans and the Anglicans as having the Real Presence. Does that still hold true? Others? A: For context, let us recall that the Catholic teaching on the “real […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Is there a big book that explains it all?
QUESTION CORNER Q: Is there an authoritative recommended single source of information on all the many Roman Catholic traditions such as behavior and rituals in church and prayers for appropriate occasions? (United Kingdom) A: No, unfortunately there is no such resource. Even when we’re considering canon law properly so-called, there is no one single master […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Can one Mass fulfill two obligations?
QUESTION CORNER Q: Since Christmas is on Monday this year, can I go to a Christmas vigil Mass on Sunday and have it fulfill my Sunday and Christmas obligations? (Boston, MA) A: As you note, in 2023 Christmas eve falls on a Sunday. And like all Sundays Catholics are required to attend Mass in […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: What are the rules for Christmas trees?
QUESTON CORNER Q: When I was a kid we put up the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and took it down a day or two after Christmas. As an adult, I put the tree up a day or two after Thanksgiving and left it up until January 2nd. Now as a Catholic, what is […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: What does the church teach about resisting rape?
QUESTION CORNER Q: As a cradle Catholic, I was taught that the denial of Christ is gravely wrong, that Christians must be prepared to die rather than apostatize. However, now I’ve become aware of a claim that I am not sure about. It has been asserted by someone claiming to be Catholic that in […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Why more letters from Paul than Peter?
QUESTION CORNER Q: I’m confused as to why, if Peter was our first pope, we have only two of his writings in the New Testament. James, another early leader, only has one book included. John has five, but Paul, who never even met Jesus while Jesus was alive here on Earth, has 13 books included. […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Dating before the annulment?
QUESTION CORNER Q: Can there be situations where a Catholic can date another person who has been divorced but has not yet received a declaration of nullity for that marriage? In a previous column you stated the following: “All marriages are presumed valid until proven otherwise.” I have relatives and friends who date divorcees. […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Does faulty faith prevent healing?
QUESTION CORNER Q: When I was Evangelical, we were told Jesus wanted to heal us, every time; we need only ask “in his name.” If we weren’t healed it was because we lacked sufficient faith to “claim it.” I remember my Catholic Grandma saying though, that sometimes God heals and sometimes not, and that […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Do all divorces require an annulment?
QUESTION CORNER Q: Are there certain divorce situations for Catholics that do not require annulments? I’m thinking about Justice of the Peace marriages, marriages at sea or even marriages conducted by someone who is “ordained” online. How does the church handle these types of divorce situations? (Corydon, Ind.) A: Yes, there are certain situations […]
By Jenna Marie Cooper: Wishing bad for the other team?
QUESTION CORNER Q: Is it a sin to go to a ballgame and wish bad things for the other team? (Austin, TX) A: I suppose that depends on what is meant by “bad things.” It’s not a sin to go to a ballgame and hope — or perhaps even pray — that our preferred […]