A massive crowd, an estimated one million people, is seen as Pope Francis celebrates the canonization Mass for Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 27. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) VATICAN CITY — Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised […]
Pope, Obama discuss religious freedom, life issues, immigration
U.S. President Barack Obama shares a laugh with Pope Francis as he receives a copy of the pope’s apostolic exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”), during a private audience at the Vatican March 27. (CNS photo/Stefano Spaziani, pool) VATICAN CITY In their first encounter, Pope Francis received U.S. President Barack Obama at the […]
Pope Francis to the Mafia: Turn away now from the road to hell
ROME — Surrounded by survivors of innocent people killed by the Mafia, Pope Francis made an emotional appeal to Italian gangsters to give up their lives of crime and avoid eternal damnation. “Men and women of the Mafia, please change your lives, convert, stop doing evil,” the pope said at a prayer vigil March 21. […]
‘Look to the cross: violence is not answered with violence’
Pope Francis leads a vigil to pray for peace in Syria Sept. 7 in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. (CNS photo by Paul Haring) VATICAN CITY — Leading a crowd in prayer for peace in Syria, Pope Francis said that war is ultimately caused by selfishness, which can be overcome only though expressions […]
Behind his headline-grabbing remarks, Pope Francis reveals a vision of the church in the world
Pope Francis meets with leaders of the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious during a private audience at the Vatican June 6. Although news stories focused on leaked remarks in which the pope appeared to acknowledge the existence of a “gay lobby” at the Vatican, most of his remarks addressed concerns on church unity. […]