Hawaii Catholic Herald Knights of Columbus Council 6307 is holding a fish fry fundraiser next month to support Catholic schools in Kailua and a nonprofit organization that works to prevent sex trafficking and provides care for youth who have been exploited. The fish fry will take place April 4 at St. John Vianney Church’s parish […]
Fish fry funds tuition aid, helps sex trafficking victims
The Knights of Columbus Council 6307 will be serving up beer-battered catfish at their famous annual Kailua “Best Fish Fry Ever” at St. Anthony Parish Hall on Makawao Street in Kailua on Friday March 8. The fundraiser provides tuition assistance for students of St. John Vianney and St. Anthony Schools in Kailua, and support […]
Photos: Friday fries
Knight of Columbus Lyle Apo fries hush puppies outside St. John Vianney Parish hall in Kailua on March 31 during a joint fundraiser for scholarships to St. John Vianney School and St. Anthony School in Kailua and anti-human trafficking organization Ho‘ola Na Pua. St. Anthony School, Kailua, seventh grader Evan Campbell serves fried fish to […]
Kailua fish fry to fund tuition aid, assist victims of sex trafficking
The Knights of Columbus Council 6307 is having a fish fry March 31 to raise money for students of St. John Vianney and St. Anthony Schools in Kailua who are in financial need, and for Ho‘ola Na Pua, a local organization committed to the renewal of girls trafficked in the sex trade, through health, education, […]
Photo: Lent food
Jake and Joe Hawkins enjoy grilled cheese, fried fish, French fries, and hush puppies at the March 6 Knights of Columbus fish fry held in the parish hall at St. Anthony Church in Kailua. The event raised money for students in financial need at St. John Vianney and St. Anthony Schools and for Hoola Na […]
Putting fish in the fryer for two good causes
Come enjoy the best-fried fish you’ve ever had and make new friends while supporting two great causes. The Knights of Columbus Council 6307’s Lenten fish fry, 5-7 p.m., March 6 at St. Anthony Parish Hall on Makawao Street in Kailua will raise money for students in financial need at St. John Vianney and St. Anthony […]
Windward Oahu Knights of Columbus fish fry a double benefit
Windward Oahu’s Knights of Columbus Council 6307 is having a benefit Lenten fish fry, 5-7 p.m., Friday, March 8 at St. John Vianney Parish Hall, 920 Keolu Drive in Kailua. The event will raise money for students of St. John Vianney and St. Anthony Schools in Kailua who are in financial need, and for Ho‘ola […]
Fish fry to benefit students, trafficking victims
The Knights of Columbus Council 6307 on Oahu’s Windward Side is having charity fish fry, 5-7 p.m., March 23, at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Kailua. The event will raise money for students in financial need at St. John Vianney and St. Anthony Schools and for Ho‘ola Na Pua, an organization helping girls trafficked in […]