Legislative report As Hawaii’s legislative session moves into its midpoint, lawmakers are considering a variety of bills that could significantly impact families, religious liberty and moral values. As people of faith, we are called to engage in these discussions, ensuring that laws uphold the dignity of human life, protect the family and preserve religious freedom. […]
A faithful citizen’s guide to voting in Hawaii
By Eva Andrade Special to the Herald Voting is not only a civic duty but, as Catholics, a responsibility to engage in the electoral process with a heart aligned to our faith. The document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops calls it a “moral obligation.” (FC#13) With Hawaii […]
Eva Andrade: Church advocate targets housing, health, family issues
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The Hawaii Catholic Conference serves as the official public policy advocate for the Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii, conveying and championing our moral and ethical principles within the public arena. This encompasses active engagement at both the federal and state levels, where we collaborate with fellow advocacy organizations to address issues pertinent […]
Red Mass talk: Navigating politics with positivity and purpose
By Eva Andrade Special to the Herald Here is the prepared text of the talk given at the Red Mass of the Diocese of Honolulu, Jan. 16, at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. Andrade is the director of the Hawaii Catholic Conference and president of Hawaii Family Forum. Aloha to […]
Red Mass speaker to address juncture of faith and politics
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Eva Andrade, who has represented the Catholic Church on public policy issues in Hawaii for 30 years, will be the speaker at the annual diocesan Red Mass, at 9 a.m., Jan. 16, at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. The Red Mass, celebrated during the week of […]
Eva Andrade: Abortion to affordable housing: priorities for the Catholic Church
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The 2023 Hawaii state legislative session is well underway and as usual, we are busy tackling issues relating to abortion access, suicide prevention, keiki, affordable housing, economic justice, immigration, mental health, and the safety and well-being of our kupuna. All these issues are major priorities for the Hawaii Catholic Conference, the public policy […]
Eva Andrade has been advocating for Catholic-Christian values in isle politics for close to 30 years
Bridge builder Eva Andrade has been advocating for Catholic-Christian values in isle politics for close to 30 years By Anna Weaver Hawaii Catholic Herald Toward the end of a voting information night at One Love Ministries in Kakaako on Oct. 19, Eva Andrade told a story about her father as a way to explain why […]
Eva Andrade: Catholic Church fights for the marginalized among us
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Gas and food prices are rising while we navigate the new normal thrust upon us by the coronavirus pandemic. Among the many organizations dedicated to easing the suffering of people in need, the Catholic Church in Hawaii continues to fight for the basic needs of the marginalized among us. We are reaching the […]
Eva Andrade: Issues from birth to death
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The 2022 legislative session is running at full speed, and as usual, issues from birth to death and everything in between, are in its crosshairs. Two positive life bills actually got some traction this year. One would extend Medicaid coverage for postpartum depression to 12 months. Unfortunately, the second was deferred in committee. […]
Eva Andrade: The Hawaii Catholic Church stepped up
LEGISLATIVE REPORT What would Jesus do? In this summary report for the closing of the State of Hawaii legislative session, there aren’t enough words to convey the impact Hawaii’s faith-based community had over the past year. The church did what it does best — it rose to the challenge of helping those less fortunate. Catholic […]