EMBRACING FAMILY Ah, finally! Summer is here! Vacation! Sleeping in, going to the beach, hiking, biking, swimming, playing, and maybe even some traveling, too. It sounds perfect, simply perfect … until it’s not! Reality hits: summer break is not actually much of a break for us parents! There is the incessant planning of activities for […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: ‘Mother, may I?’ Old game, new twist
EMBRACING FAMILY Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic © and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. Mother’s Day is coming up, and this, too, is the month dedicated to Mary, the […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Lenten trash or recyclable?
EMBRACING FAMILY Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic © and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. In case you’re wondering, this has nothing to do with our black garbage bin or […]
Embracing Family: I’m OK, so why aren’t you?
By Sarah and David Herrmann Special to the Herald Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic © and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. {You might want to read this before you […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Thank you, God, for five and a half things
EMBRACING FAMILY Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic© and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. Yes, that’s right: I am grateful for five and a half things. What might those things […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: I believe in St. Nicholas, the birth of Jesus and Santa Claus!
EMBRACING FAMILY By Sarah and David Herrmann Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you. Note: This article combines historical truths and Catholic teaching. It was […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Dealing with morning insanity
EMBRACING FAMILY When parents ask us questions, we share faith-based parenting advice based on Love and Logic © and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). Here is a recent exchange. Q: In the mornings, I feel I am the only one who cares that we arrive on time and with […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Will parenting ever get easier?
EMBRACING FAMILY Throughout the year, many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice based on Love and Logic© and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share one of these with you. Q: I am an exhausted mom. I can never keep up with school, […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Transforming the battle over chores
EMBRACING FAMILY Dear readers, We’re trying out a new question-and-answer column format. Parents ask us questions all year-round, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the preventive system of St. John Bosco (reason, religion, loving kindness). Since these questions apply to many others, we’d like to anonymously share some of […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Mother’s and Father’s Day isn’t about me?
EMBRACING FAMILY Have you ever found yourself looking to the Fourth Commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” as a remedy to the many challenges we face as parents? Our sweet, innocent newborns grow and discover a whole new lexicon. “NO!” or “I can do it all by myself!” They make incessant messes which seem […]