FOR THE JOURNEY Many years ago, the Irish poet W.B. Yeats wrote, “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.” Some Americans feel those words are eerily prescient right now. Things are falling apart. The crisis created at our border bids us to take action, and political action is good. But no matter what our political […]
Effie Caldarola: Sacramentals as a door to the sacred
FOR THE JOURNEY It was near the end of a long East Coast visit, a road trip that took us to visit a priest friend at the University of Notre Dame, the sights at Niagara Falls and an Italian cousin who was visiting my husband’s extended family. We had driven hundreds of miles, but this […]
Effie Caldarola: The need for apologies
FOR THE JOURNEY When former first lady Barbara Bush died recently, memories of her good qualities abounded. In a culture where females are pressured to think a face-lift is just a matter of time and slimness is non-negotiable, she was an attractive natural with a matronly figure and soft white hair. A champion of literacy […]
Effie Caldarola: Much is required
FOR THE ROAD Every Saturday, a local newspaper features excerpts from Sunday homilies, including occasional Catholic ones, in a section called “From the Pulpit.” Easter weekend featured a Unitarian minister’s reflections. Unitarians profess a free search for truth and meaning and do not assert any creed. Needless to say, their theology can be very different […]
Effie Caldarola: Plan for Lent
FOR THE JOURNEY When my son and his male cousins headed to college, my daughter’s gift to them was a colorful book called “A Man, a Can, a Plan,” by David Joachim and the editors of Men’s Health. Clever and presumably practical, it contained easy recipes for the man on his own. Realistically, however, a […]
Effie Caldarola: The debt we owe
FOR THE JOURNEY In Omaha, Nebraska, where I live, we have a feature writer in the local paper who covers the stories of refugees in our city. Her most recent article featured the trials of a family from Congo who spent years in a Tanzanian refugee camp hoping for a better life. After extreme vetting, […]
Effie Caldarola: Where gladness and hunger meet
FOR THE JOURNEY You may have heard this before: “The place to which God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” That line is from Frederick Buechner, an ordained Presbyterian minister, theologian and author. Most of us, within the context of our busy lives, want to […]
Effie Caldarola ‘A combo burger of hilarity and joy’
FOR THE JOURNEY I blame Jesuit Father Greg Boyle for the fact that people sitting around me on an airplane a few years ago suspected I might be nuts. I was reading Boyle’s book, “Tattoos on the Heart,” about his ministry with gang members in Los Angeles. Father Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, […]
Effie Caldarola: Father Edward Flanagan’s legacy
FOR THE JOURNEY The tall, good-looking priest had the craggy profile prompting the comment, “He had the map of Ireland written all over his face.” Father Edward Flanagan was the founder of Boys Town, an innovative village for runaway and orphaned boys near Omaha, Nebraska, a landmark that revolutionized the treatment of neglected kids. Although […]
Effie Caldarola: The Father Martin controversy
FOR THE JOURNEY The Theological College in Washington, the national seminary of The Catholic University of America, recently canceled a lecture by Jesuit Father James Martin. Father Martin was to speak on his popular book, “Jesus: A Pilgrimage.” But the college announced that “in the interest of avoiding distraction and controversy” about his more recent […]
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