FOR THE JOURNEY It may have been a discarded cigarette thrown into a rag bin. No matter how it started, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City in 1911 took only 18 shocking minutes but changed history. The factory employed mostly young immigrant women, who labored long hours in a sweatshop for poverty-level […]
Effie Caldarola: The power of words, when necessary
FOR THE JOURNEY In Padraig O Tuama’s book, “In the Shelter,” he tells a story about a young woman traveling through Europe in the 1980s. In France, she meets a man and falls in love for the first time. They agree to meet at an embassy in Rome the following week, and on the appointed […]
Effie Caldarola: In times of worry, Jesus offers the best advice
FOR THE JOURNEY When I was a little girl, my dad would tell me, “Don’t take your troubles to bed with you.” I was an inveterate worrier. I wanted the hallway light left on near my bedroom in our old farmhouse. Monsters seemed to lurk, not just under the bed but in every nook and […]
Effie Caldarola: This is who we are
FOR THE JOURNEY In 1919, a mob of several thousand people dragged a Black man named Will Brown from an Omaha courthouse. He had been accused of raping a white woman, but never given a trial. He was beaten, hanged, shot over 100 times, and his body burned before a jeering crowd, contributing to the […]
Effie Caldarola: How generous are we?
FOR THE JOURNEY Someone I know is a waiter. Like restaurants across the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic, his establishment has been open, closed, carry-out only, 50% capacity — in other words, his income has bounced like a yo-yo. The other evening, with renewed closure rules going into effect, he served his last table. He […]
Effie Caldarola: Advent tears and laughter in a year of difficulty
FOR THE JOURNEY Do you ever find yourself, during this time of COVID-19, experiencing unexpected tears? We’ve all walked, on the news, through hospital corridors we never planned to visit. We’ve heard heartbreaking stories from families, the pleas of health care workers, the frustration and fatigue of teachers. We’ve seen refrigerated trucks holding overflow bodies, […]
Effie Caldarola: Post-election, with gratitude
FOR THE JOURNEY It was the day after Halloween and just two days until Election Day. As a nation, we were marking milestones in our long national COVID-19 trudge. Taking a neighborhood walk, I was struck by how fast Halloween decorations disappear. Here, for instance, was a driveway where a giant inflatable ghoul had hovered […]
Effie Caldarola: Guns, looting and public disorder
FOR THE JOURNEY He had a baby face, still chubby with no etchings of maturity. He looked like the kid who might mow your lawn for a few bucks, then come inside for milk and cookies. While sitting at your table, he might become intrigued by your small son’s Lego set. His picture looks like […]
Effie Caldarola: Interesting and challenging times
FOR THE JOURNEY My granddaughter Charlotte posed for the traditional first day of kindergarten photo on the front porch of her home in New Jersey, wearing a new sequined-splattered outfit popular with the under-7 set. Then, like millions of American kids, she turned around, walked with her backpack into her own house, sat down at […]
Effie Caldarola: Don’t bottle up emotions
FOR THE JOURNEY Have you had a good cry lately? I have. I saw a Twitter post about a cheerful old fellow in an English care facility who slept with his late wife’s photo every night. So, a thoughtful staff member had a photo company create a pillow for him, one side of which displayed […]
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