EASTER VIGIL/EASTER SUNDAY Here is the prepared text of Bishop Larry Silva’s homily delivered on the Easter Vigil, March 31, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa; and Easter Sunday, April 1, at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. It is no secret that our world is filled with bad news. While our recent […]
Bishop Larry Silva | 2018 Easter message: Transformed and led into fullness of life
Opioid addiction has become a public health hazard. Many states are considering legalizing recreational marijuana. The teen suicide rate is appalling, and while we lament this fact, we seek ways for others who are suffering pain to end their own lives legally. When things become difficult in relationships many simply walk away from them. While […]
Father John Catoir: Easter 2018
Happy Easter. If you’ve been reading my columns over the years, you know that I return time and again to my favorite Scripture quotes. Let’s unpack them together and see what the Lord has in store for us today. Don’t think that the Feast of the Resurrection is a seasonal celebration. St. Paul said, “Rejoice […]
Pope Francis: Risen Christ calls all to follow him on path to life
POPE FRANCIS’ EASTER MESSAGE By Cindy Wooden and Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Jesus is the risen shepherd who takes upon his shoulders “our brothers and sisters crushed by evil in all its varied forms,” Pope Francis said before giving his solemn Easter blessing. With tens of thousands of people gathered […]
The Sacred Triduum with Bishop Silva
Photos by Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz Bishop Larry Silva celebrated the Sacred Triduum — Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil — April 13-15. These three days culminating Holy Week and leading into Easter feature many liturgical customs commemorating Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. On Holy Thursday, April 13, Bishop Silva celebrated an evening Mass […]
Bishop Larry Silva: 2017 Easter Message
A past event ever so present Eleven ordinary men locked themselves away after Jesus was crucified from the well-founded fear that the authorities who executed their Master could very easily go after his disciples. Yet once they left that room, they went out to all the world to proclaim the Crucified One. In fact, they […]
Ohio company’s candles helping church celebrate Easter for generations
By Katie Breidenbach Catholic News Service MEDINA, Ohio — Dozens of little wax flowers lay on the table in front of her. With a gentle grip, Judy Hamrick picks up each one and covers the back in glue. “It’s very peaceful work,” Hamrick said. “I’ve worked here 24 years and every paschal season I’ve been […]
Pope at Easter: Reconcile with God, resurrect hope
VATICAN CITY — Easter is a feast of hope, a celebration of God’s mercy and a call to pray for and assist all who suffer, Pope Francis said before giving his solemn blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world).
Bishop Larry Silva: 2016 Easter Message
How did one man who was put to death 2,000 years ago manage to become the center of a worldwide religion with billions of adherents over the centuries? How did his closest disciples manage to take his message out to the ends of the earth when they themselves were relentlessly pursued, persecuted, and in most cases put to death?