By D.D. Emmons OSV News The Way of the Cross is one of the most personal, meditative and graphic of any Catholic devotion. We spiritually join Jesus on the “via dolorosa” (sorrowful way) leading to the place of the skull, suffering with him as he struggles to carry the cross on that first Good Friday. […]
Mary Adamski: Crises, hard times prompt reflection and a new outlook
View from the Pew Pentecost has always been one of my favorite church holy days. I love the imagery of the Holy Spirit appearing as tongues of fire over the apostles, freeing them from fear and sending them forward afire with zeal to share what Jesus taught them. It’s a resounding “amen” finale to 50 […]
Bishop Larry Silva: Let us sing ‘Alleluia!’
WITNESS TO JESUS | EASTER Here is the prepared text of the homily delivered for the Easter Vigil at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu on March 30, and on Easter Sunday at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu on March 31. The Saturday after Jesus died was, as the […]
Easter message: Pope Francis prays for peace amid ‘absurdity’ of war
By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Just as Jesus removed the stone that sealed his tomb on the morning of the Resurrection, on Easter Christ alone “has the power to roll away the stones that block the path to life” and which trap humanity in war and injustice, Pope Francis said. Through […]
Bishop Larry Silva: This Easter light of mine
WITNESS TO JESUS | EASTER This is the prepared text of the homily by Bishop Larry Silva for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, April 8 and 9, delivered at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu The liturgical directives are very clear: The Easter Vigil is to be celebrated at night, after darkness has […]
Faith journeys
This Easter, among the more than 220 in Hawaii who will be welcomed into the Catholic faith, receiving the sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist — will be a soldier and a second-grader By Anna Weaver Hawaii Catholic Herald A void not being filled When Army Specialist Sasha Robello arrived in Hawaii on […]
Holy Week 2022 in Photos
Chrism Mass – April 12, 2022 The Chrism Mass is the annual liturgy where oils for use in administering the sacraments are blessed. Bishop Larry Silva pours and stirs balsam into the Chrism oil and then breaths the “breath of the Holy Spirit” into the sacred oil. at the April 12, 2022, Chrism Mass at […]
Christ’s victory over death proclaims a second chance for all
POPE FRANCIS EASTER MESSAGE By Junno Arocho Esteves and Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Easter liturgies — with the fire, sharing of light from the paschal candle, the renewal of baptismal promises and the proclamation that Jesus has risen — assure people that it is never too late to start again, […]
Reflection: If we die to self, we will rise to renewed life in Christ
Loss leads to love By Sister Marie Jose Romano, OSF Special to the Herald To be called to religious life is a blessing. It is a life filled with joy in serving, a life that is self-giving and compassionate, a life of loving God and others; but the reality of our human nature and imperfections […]
What will we sing in heaven?
By Father Vincent Ferrer Bagan, OP Catholic News Service There is good reason that we Catholics especially love our church’s customs during Lent and Easter. These seasons intensify the fundamental movement of our faith: the movement from slavery to freedom, the movement from death to eternal life that Jesus Christ alone can bring. We pare […]