Special to the Herald From Nov. 8-10, the Hawaii Council of Filipino Catholic Clubs hosted the Diocesan Congress of Filipino Catholic Clubs’ 74th annual convention at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel on Hawaii island. This year’s theme was “We Adore You Christ Jesus, Our Hostia: You are the source of our life and our love.” The […]
Isle Knights hold annual convention, present awards
By Robert Camilleri Special to the Herald On May 11 at St. Stephen Diocesan Center in Kaneohe, state deputy Randy Tom gaveled to order the Knights of Columbus’ 45th annual Hawaii State Council convention. Delegates from councils across Hawaii were in attendance. Earlier that day, Sacred Hearts Father Stephen Banjare celebrated the opening convention Mass […]
Knight of Columbus convention recounts year of achievements, elects new officers
By Robert Camilleri Special to the Herald On May 13, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Hawaii State Council of the Knights of Columbus, for the second consecutive year, met in person for its 44th annual state convention at St. Ann Church in Kaneohe. Delegates from councils on Oahu, Maui, Kauai and the […]
Youth conference attendees share their excitement
We heard from youth from Hawaii and their leaders who attended the National Catholic Youth Conference in Long Beach, California, Nov. 9-13. Local delegates included 28 youth, seven young adults, four priests, one bishop, two seminarians and 15 adults. Here are some of their reflections on the event, collected by Lisa Gomes, director of the […]
Knights of Columbus meet in-person for state convention, banquet
By Robert Camilleri Special to the Herald The Hawaii State Council of the Knights of Columbus held its first in-person State Convention and Banquet since 2019 on May 7 at St. Stephen Diocesan Center in Kaneohe and at the Japanese Cultural Center in Honolulu. The convention began with Mass celebrated by State Chaplain Sacred Hearts […]