TWENTY SOMETHING Every fall the push to do more intensifies. Sharpen your pencil and dig in. Produce more, study more, socialize more, exercise more, volunteer more. The calendar becomes the battlefield, its squares squeezed ever tighter. If summer is for vacation, fall is for achievement. But we are forgetting something. The very thing we consider […]
Christina Capecchi: Finding God in the wilderness
TWENTY SOMETHING The sense of place and pull to the wild that inspired Nick Ripatrozone’s new book are tucked in his very name. The rip-roaring surname is the name of a mountain town in central Italy, which the 40-year-old writer has visited. Like his ancestors, Nick is drawn to the mountains, living with his wife […]
Christina Capecchi: Advice for grads from a curious Catholic
TWENTY SOMETHING George Corrigan never met a person who didn’t fascinate him. The delivery guy. The plumber. The barista. He wanted to know their names and their life stories, which came tumbling out when he flashed his megawatt smile and asked his earnest questions. His love of humanity flowed from his love of God, culminating […]
Christina Capecchi: When an obituary becomes a prayer
TWENTY SOMETHING I’ve never had to write an obituary. I realize how fortunate that makes me. As a professional writer, I’ve imagined what it would be like to write one. Perhaps that’s morbid, but it’s a curiosity of mine. Of all writing forms, the obituary is the life summary, the final word. It conveys what […]
Christina Capecchi: Hospitality at six feet
TWENTY SOMETHING “Can you come in?” My grandma’s favorite question is one we now discourage her from uttering. The impulse to swing open her door and her arms, honed over nine decades and stitched into her Irish-Catholic DNA, is not easily thwarted. Yet we have attempted to do so this year. She’s doing her best, […]
Christina Capecchi: Our balm for 2020
TWENTY SOMETHING Paula Kraus wasn’t afraid to utter the wish burning on her heart, the one that seizes so many preparing to lose a loved one. The Minnesota mom yearned for some kind of indication that, though she and her dying father would soon be separated, they would remain connected. And being a Catholic, Paula […]
Christina Capecchi: Theology of home
TWENTY SOMETHING The color-coded books first caught my eye. It’s become one of my favorite flourishes in interior design, one that always stops me in my Instagram scrolling. And here it was, on the cover of a book titled “Theology of Home: Finding the Eternal in the Everyday.” Four built-in shelves held coordinating books: reds, […]
Christina Capecchi: Catholicism’s map
TWENTY SOMETHING Fifteen years after Richard Louv’s bestseller “The Last Child in the Woods” was published, it is more relevant than ever. I’m fascinated by his insights on the “nature-deficit disorder” ailing kids. I was struck by a passage about his 1950s Midwestern childhood: “I knew my woods and my fields; I knew every bend […]
Christina Capecchi: ‘Keep that hope machine running’
TWENTY SOMETHING It started with the Italians, whose arias rose from the balconies. They were on lockdown, but their voices rang out down empty moonlit streets. Ballads, the national anthem, improvised ditties over the barking of dogs. Cellphone footage of the singing went viral, offering hope amid the horror. “Italians are like their opera characters: […]
Christina Capecchi: ‘I’m not fine’
TWENTY SOMETHING Stephanie Weinert’s Instagram followers have come to expect unfiltered captions to go with her pretty pictures. That’s why she has amassed 7,000 followers, who click on images of her five young children and, in doing so, access her tips on skincare, home decor and liturgical living. Each one is offered up in the […]
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