By Jennifer Rector Hawaii Catholic Herald The Diocese of Honolulu saw another uptick in catechumens this year, continuing a positive trend since the numbers plummeted in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. At Easter Vigil liturgies across the state on April 19, 284 catechumens will receive the sacraments of initiation — baptism, first holy Communion and […]
Hawaii’s 2025 catechumens
Here are the names of those being baptized at the Easter Vigil this year: West Honolulu Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace Marie Nguyen Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa Jason Kaneaikala Sheldon Sukulbech Shannaliette Forman Calvin Buen Erek Elliott Joshua Elliott Emily Yee Pomaikaiokalani Sansi Holy Family Eden Chang Dominic Hudson Jazmine Liliu Caroline Salvador […]
241 to be baptized this year at Easter Vigils across the diocese
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald On March 30, at Easter Vigil liturgies in churches across the islands, 241 catechumens will be baptized, a 10% increase from the year before. The catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to receive the three sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and first Eucharist […]
Faith journeys
This Easter, among the more than 220 in Hawaii who will be welcomed into the Catholic faith, receiving the sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist — will be a soldier and a second-grader By Anna Weaver Hawaii Catholic Herald A void not being filled When Army Specialist Sasha Robello arrived in Hawaii on […]
222 to be baptized in island churches at the Easter vigil
A catechumen signs his name in the Book of the Elect in last year’s Rite of Election. (HCH file photo) By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald On April 8, at Easter Vigil liturgies in churches across the islands, 222 catechumens will be baptized. The catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to […]
In Rites of Election, Hawaii’s parishes and Catholic communities to welcome those to be baptized at Easter
THE ELECT In Rites of Election, Hawaii’s parishes and Catholic communities to welcome those to be baptized at Easter By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The coronavirus pandemic has altered another Lenten practice, the Rite of Election. That is the event at which catechumens, also called the elect, make public their intention to receive in […]
Diocese to welcome this year’s catechumens at five Rites of Election
The diocese has scheduled five Rites of Election, ceremonies in which Hawaii’s catechumens 7 years old and older preparing for baptism at Easter are welcomed and recognized by the bishop or bishop’s representative. At the rites, the catechumens, also called the elect, make public their intention to receive at the Easter Vigil April 11 the […]
Rites of Election 2019
[BISHOP OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE] ‘‘Do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist?’ [CATECHUMENS] ‘We do.’ [BISHOP OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE] ‘Then offer your names for enrollment.’ By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The passages above are from the dialogue that will take place […]
The Rite of Election
“And now, my dear catechumens, I address you. Your own godparents and teachers and this entire community have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you to the Easter sacraments. “Since you have already heard the call of Christ, you must now express your response to […]
Catechumens to sign their intent to be baptized in Rites of Election
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Hawaii’s catechumens, also called the elect, will make public their intention to be baptized at this year’s Easter Vigil, March 31, at five Rites of Election on four islands where they sign their names in their parish’s Book of the Elect for presentation to the bishop or bishop’s representative. […]