WITNESS TO JESUS: EPIPHANY This is the text of Bishop Silva’s homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany, Jan. 7, delivered at the Carmelite Convent Chapel in Kaneohe. When I visit the parishes of our diocese, I am always impressed by the faith and devotion of our parishioners. Our parishes offer schools to educate our […]
The bishop and bagels and Catholic high school seniors
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Bread with the Bishop — too ordinary? Biscuits with the Bishop — too run of the mill? Baguettes, too, uh, French? Succumbing to the allure of alliteration, organizers settled on “Bagels with the Bishop.” As a title, it has worked well these past several years, even if the chewy […]
Father Scott Bush retires after 25 years a parish priest in Hawaii
Hawaii Catholic Herald Diocesan priest Father Scott R. Bush, after more than 25 years of parish ministry, mostly on the Big Island, retired from active ministry on Jan. 1. He had been a parochial vicar at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Honolulu since July 1, 2017. Father Bush, 67, described his stepping down as […]
Mass will honor Molokai saint on her 180th birthday
Bishop Larry Silva will preside at a Mass celebrating the 180th birthday of St. Marianne Cope, at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the Almeida Center at Saint Francis School, 2707 Pamoa Road in Manoa. All are invited. The Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, St. Marianne’s order, also will commemorate her birthday […]
Sister Rose Loraine Matsuzaki, Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities: The good thief
VIRIDITAS: SOUL GREENING Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP Hawaii Catholic Herald I remember when my father prayed, he used to bow and clap his hands. His prayer space contained two vases with branches in it. As for my mom, she was Catholic. But, due to not understanding the Japanese language, my 11 siblings […]
Talk story: ‘Every stranger who knocks at our door’
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ, who identifies with the welcomed and rejected strangers of every age.” (Pope Francis, Message for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2018) 2018 marks a new year with new beginnings, building on the […]
Heralding back: Jan. 12, 2018
NEWS FROM PAGES PAST 50 years ago — Jan. 19, 1968 An editorial cartoon highlighting the annual “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” sponsored by the Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute. 25 years ago — Jan. 15, 1993 A call for education, reconciliation The Diocese of Honolulu has entered the Hawaii sovereignty discourse as a […]
In advance of Christian unity week, Newman to show film about the life of Taize founder
In anticipation of the Taize ecumenical service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at the Newman Center at the University of Hawaii-Manoa, the Newman Center will show the new film, “Moments in the Life of Brother Roger,” who founded the Taize Community of Brothers in France, 7 p.m., Jan. 18. The film will […]
‘Talking story’ is the theme for catechist retreat days
In Hawaii we love to talk story. Stories strengthen relationships and impart wisdom. They are also powerful tools for evangelization and catechesis. “Let’s Talk Story” is the theme for three upcoming retreats for catechists on Oahu, Kauai and Maui sponsored by the diocesan Religious Education Office. The half-day retreats will “celebrate Christ alive through […]
Photo: Commitments and recommitments
The Hawaii-Southwest region of the Franciscan Associates held an installation of associate co-directors, and a commitment and recommitment of associates Nov. 18 at St. Francis Convent in Manoa. Associates Sister Patricia Schofield and Sister Miriam Dionese, both Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, were recognized for their years of service to the Hawaii […]
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