“God, our Father, guide of humanity and ruler of creation, look upon these your servants, who wish to confirm their offering of themselves to you. As the years pass by, help them to enter more deeply into the mystery of the church and to dedicate themselves more generously to the good of humanity.” –Prayer of […]
Diocese urges pandemic-affected faith formation programs have a family focus
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald The three faith formation leaders of the diocese are thinking positive. While the coronavirus pandemic is forcing the church to reshape its faith formation programs under its weighty health and safety constraints, they are urging parishes to use this time as an “opportunity to connect your young people and […]
Hawaii couples invited to participate in virtual Marriage Encounter ‘weekend’
In this time of the coronavirus, Hawaii’s Worldwide Marriage Encounter is inviting island couples to attend one of its enriching weekends virtually in a program it calls 3RE, for REstore, REkindle, REnew. It is basically the traditional weekend split into seven sessions of two hours each. Hawaii leaders are suggesting that couples attend one of […]
The story of the statue: How Father Damien’s capitol sculpture came to be
This story first ran in the Hawaii Catholic Herald in July 2008. It is being reprinted here after renewed interest in the Father Damien statue in the National Statuary Hall Collection. A duplicate statue sits outside the Hawaii state capitol. The story of the statue It took years of grassroots campaigning, political maneuvering, artistic disputes, […]
The Diocesan Pastoral Council writes a guide for parish councils to keep them focused and on-mission
By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Every parish in Hawaii has a pastoral council, a group of parishioners selected to advise the pastor in parish matters spiritual, instructional and charitable. But councils have been known to veer off-topic with discussions about paving the church parking lot or organizing the annual parish potluck. To help them […]
Parish Pastoral Council Questions
June 17, 2020 To Pastors and Members of Parish Pastoral Councils Aloha! Is your parish pastoral council — pastoral? That may seem like an absurd question, but sometimes pastoral councils are so wrapped up in building projects, budgets and social events that they do not take much time to reflect on deeper pastoral issues that […]
Talk story: Mahalo to our food pantry volunteers
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “Food pantries or food distribution activities … these are essential services provided to those in need.” (Bishop Larry Silva, memo to the Diocese of Honolulu, March 28, 2020) Thanks to the dedication of essential food workers on front lines across the state, local communities are being fed and nourished during this […]
Livestreaming Masses for the Diocese of Honolulu
Even with churches opening up, for the elderly and those in high risk groups, there are still many opportunities to view Sunday and daily Masses over the internet via livestream. Bishop Larry Silva has dispensed with the obligation to attend Sunday Mass through Aug. 31. Here is a list of livestreamed liturgies. (Source: Diocese of […]
Health care for the uninsured
Bayanihan Clinic Without Walls offers free medical services for the pandemic newly unemployed By Anna Weaver Hawaii Catholic Herald People who are uninsured due to being laid off by the novel coronavirus’ impact on the economy here in Hawaii have an option to receive medical care, free, thanks to a group of volunteer Filipino physicians. […]
Sister Celeste Cabral elected superior of Hawaii Benedictines
Kailua-raised prioress plans to introduce elements of her native Hawaiian culture into the life of the monastery By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald Thirty-five years after its founding in Hawaii, the Benedictine Monastery in Waialua, Oahu, has elected an island-born sister to lead the community. The three female and two male Benedictine members unanimously chose […]
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