Greetings, Quizicalists! St. Francis de Sales said, “Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.” The Quiz awaits to try your patience! 1) ON THE CALENDAR How long is the season of Lent in 2024? a) 40 days b) 44 days c) 50 days d) 100 days 2) LENTEN PRACTICES There are […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Feb. 2, 2024
My gosh, quiz buddies, can you believe Lent is just around the corner? Enjoy your quiz! 1) NO GREATER LOVE Feb. 6 is the feast day of St. Paul Miki, Jesuit priest and martyr. In what country was he born? a) China b) Nigeria c) Japan d) Italy 2) LENTEN REGULATIONS In the United States, […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Jan. 19, 2024
Mes amis du quiz, we’re entering a short stretch of Ordinary Time in the Church year, an “amuse bouche” of sorts between Christmas and Lent, and I’m here to keep you sharp with another quiz. Bonne chance! 1) BIBILICAL ARCHEOLOGY What famous Biblical object was made of wood and measured 52 inches long, 32 inches […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Jan. 5, 2024
It’s still the Christmas season, Quizzers, so leave that manger up just a bit longer, and grab another cup of eggnog while you take this weeks’ quiz. 1) A PROPHET SPEAKS Which biblical figure was called by God to preach to the city of Nineveh, inspiring the people in the city to proclaim a fast […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Dec. 22, 2023
Blessed Christmas wishes to all my quizzicians! May your hearts be aglow with the Light of our newborn Savior! 1) A CHRISTMAS ICON St. Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra. In what country would you find Myra? a) Italy b) France c) Israel d) Turkey 2) MELE KALIKIMAKA The first recorded Christmas celebration in […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz; Dec. 8, 2023
Welcome back, Quizmasters! May your Advent journey be filled with warmth and happy expectancy as we await the birth of our Savior! 1) AVE MARIA! Which Marian feast is celebrated on Dec. 12? a) Our Lady of Fatima b) Our Lady of Lourdes c) Immaculate Conception d) Our Lady of Guadalupe 2) NAMES What does […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Nov. 24, 2023
Aloha, my Quiz buddies! The days of the year are going by quite quickly. Don’t get caught up in the holiday rush. Take some time for this week’s quiz. You’ll thank me later! 1) SING A BEAUTIFUL SONG Who is the patroness of music and musicians? a) St. Melodia b) St. Cecilia c) St. Teresa […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Oct. 27, 2023
Dear Quizmatics, Some say the original meaning for “quiz” referred to an odd or eccentric person. Guilty as charged! 1) HOLY IMAGES Some saints are pictured wearing a tonsure. What is that? a) a vestment indicating what religious order they belong to b) a wooden cross hanging from a string or chain c) a shaved […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Oct. 13, 2023
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary. How much do you know, dear quizzers, about this beautiful prayer? 1) IN THE BEGINNING What saint is generally credited with first promoting a devotion to the rosary? a) St. Therese of Lisieux b) St. Francis of Assisi c) St. Dominic d) St. Benedict 2) A MIGHTY […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Sept. 29, 2023
My dear quizzers, time to pause, Renewing spirits, reviving hope … MAUI STRONG! 1) HEAVENLY CHORUS The word “angel” is taken from an Old English word meaning … a) Guide b) Messenger c) Protector d) God-like 2) LOST IN TRANSLATION Sept. 30 is the feast day of St. Jerome. What is he most noted for? […]
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