AMID THE FRAY Here’s an answer that should show up on Catholic Jeopardy: “Eight minutes.” The question is: “What does Pope Francis think the ideal length of a homily should be?” This pope, who has not been afraid to weigh in on controversial issues, recently addressed a topic that every practicing Catholic has probably thought […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Being the Good Samaritan
15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37 The Book of Deuteronomy, the source of the first reading for this weekend, is one of the first five books of the Bible, collectively called the Pentateuch, from the Greek word meaning “five.” These books have been venerated for many years as containing the […]
Sarah and David Herrmann: Happy new (school) year!
EMBRACING FAMILY It seems it was just the other day that we were eagerly anticipating the end of the school year and the coming of summer and all its adventures. Now we find ourselves on the cusp of a new school year, especially those with “year-round school” calendars. Where, oh where, did summer go? As […]
Deacon Gary and Val Streff: The truth we believe and live
RESPECT LIFE Daily we are bombarded with news about women’s rights. Women call themselves “pro-choice” to describe their “right” to decide what is best for their own bodies in issues such as contraception and pregnancy. This term has been around since the 1960s and is visible today in the slogan “My Body, My Choice.” “Pro-choice” […]
Bishop Larry Silva: A perfect community of love
WITNESS TO JESUS | TRINITY SUNDAY This is the prepared text of the homily by Bishop Larry Silva for Trinity Sunday, June 12, delivered at St. Joseph Church, Makawao, Maui Some years ago I led a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I was shopping for a gift at an icon shop, and I selected the […]
Mary Adamski: Worth a thousand words
VIEW FROM THE PEW It was one of those Biblical texts that brought out the writer and editor in me. The evangelist John quoted Jesus, making his farewell to the Apostles, as saying “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot hear it now.” It was just the thing to distract; the worst […]
Talk story: For our families, let us pray
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “The family is the place where we learn to live with one another, to live with young people and with those who are older. And by being united in our differences — young people, the elderly, adults, children — we evangelize with our example of life.” (Pope Francis, Pope’s Prayer Network, […]
Effie Caldarola: Choosing a side
FOR THE JOURNEY In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the saint asks us to make a choice between “the two standards.” Using our imaginations, we envision the banner, or standard, of Christ arrayed on one side, and the legions of the evil one gathering in opposition on the other. Which side do […]
Father Kenneth Doyle: Am I doomed by Scripture? Masses said for things other than specific people?
QUESTION CORNER Q: In the Book of Wisdom (3:17-18 and 4:3) it indicates that children born of a forbidden union will suffer a miserable fate and not amount to anything. They are illegitimate and can never lay a firm foundation with values that are deeply rooted. I was born out of wedlock; my Dad’s family […]
Greg Erlandson: A tale of two weddings
AMID THE FRAY How do we attract people to our church? How do we invite people to “come and see”? These are questions being asked with greater urgency these days. The “nones,” that is, those with no religious affiliation, are growing in number, while too many Catholics are walking away from any sort of consistent […]
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