The prophesy fulfilled in Jesus Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 Luke 4:21-30 The Book of Jeremiah provides the first reading for this weekend. This book is regarded as one of the major Hebrew prophetic works because of its extent and the brilliance of its language. Jeremiah descended from priests. He was from a small […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Respectable sinners
Sometimes I can be such a snot. We attended a wedding, the second for both bride and groom. The bride, who is on the hefty side, wore a very tight, very low cut white dress. It was sleeveless, the better to show off the large tattoos on each bicep. I thought to myself, “How trashy.” […]
Viriditas: Sister Irene Regina Hoernschemeyer, Daughters of St. Paul
The spirituality of running One of the strongest moments of my day is when I get out of bed in the morning. As I rise, I smile and offer a prayer of praise lifting up the day to God. This may sound simple, but as an athlete, this habit really helps me to stay focused […]
Christina Capecchi: Say yes to new risks and new graces in 2013
Barbara Benson Keith’s wake-up call came while chatting with a fellow kindergarten teacher at the end of a school day. Her colleague said, “‘I hope in 10 years I’m right here in this classroom doing the same thing,’” Barbara recalled. “And inside I was like, ‘Ack! No!’ That didn’t appeal to me at all.” In […]
Mary Adamski: Faith in the midst of diversity
The battle lines are being drawn. The opposing sides are massing behind the boundaries they have set to separate us versus them. But no, wait. This isn’t a war zone. It’s the legislative body representing We the People. I don’t remember voting for someone to gird their loins to do battle. (Eek, hide your eyes […]