Dear Father X, Every Sunday, as we walk out the door, we shake your hand and say, “Good sermon, Father.” We’re not lying. We’re usually fairly satisfied with what you have to say, but no one is perfect. Even Kobe Bryant misses the occasional easy layup. You studied preaching in seminary, and presumably your professors […]
Mary Adamski: Images and likenesses: religious art, when words are not enough
Christ is risen. Christ will come again. It’s the reality we believe in. We try hard to exalt in it each year at Easter season. In dark times like this month’s tragedies, it’s not easy to embrace joy and hope and know that there will always be the Light. Catholics have always used art to […]
Viriditas: Sister Joan Chatfield, Maryknoll Sisters: Punctuating the positive
At the age of 80, I feel like I’ve got another whole new life ahead of me. I love being 80. I actually realize now that my best times in life are when I am with people of other religious persuasions and how we come together. It is exciting to be in the work of […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Being Melanie
We watched “Gone with the Wind” the other night. It’s been years since I last saw it, and my response has changed dramatically. The central character is the spirited but selfish Scarlett O’Hara. Her gentle sister-in-law, Melanie Wilkes, serves as contrast. I used to fantasize about being Scarlett. Now, I want to be Melanie. Melanie […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Fifth Sunday of Easter
With the Resurrection, divine love triumphed Acts of the Apostles 15:21-27 Revelation 21:1-5a John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Again in this Easter season, the Acts of the Apostles supplies the first reading for Mass, reporting some of the missionary activities of Paul and Barnabas. Although eventually they parted, Paul and his disciple Barnabas visited several prominent cities […]
Christina Capecchi: Faith of our fathers: deep roots and online ancestry
Last night, while many of my peers tuned into the finale of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” a three-hour event dubbed “historic” by the show’s ratings-minded host, I delved into some real history. I joined more than 2 million people and subscribed to the genealogy website No, I don’t fit the target demographic of silver-haired bird […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Out of control
A few years ago, I broke my baby toe. I was taking off my jeans, and they were stuck around one ankle. So I gave a hard kick. The jeans came off, but my toe hit the wall. As I jumped around the room in pain, my mind added to my Book of Rules: “Always […]
Viriditas: Father Manuel Hewe, diocesan priest
Prayer for busy people In seminary, we once had this discussion: “Why can’t people pray?” People are always saying that they don’t have time for it. So, how are we able to inculcate in their minds the importance of relating to God, the Source? Otherwise, they will become like a well that when it dries, […]
Viriditas: Sister Eva Joseph Mesina, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Coming to see God face-to-face I love teaching. It is really an energizer for me to prepare parents for their children’s reception of the sacraments. In the required classes I give them the theology and spirituality of that sacrament. The content focuses on not only what they are supposed to do when those events take […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Fifth Sunday of Lent
Renounce sin and to turn to Christ Isaiah 43:16-21 Philippians 3:8-14 John 8:1-11 The Book of Isaiah supplies the first reading for this weekend in Lent. The reading is from the second part of Isaiah, written at a time that was not the best period in the history of God’s people. The people had been […]