A few years ago, I broke my baby toe. I was taking off my jeans, and they were stuck around one ankle. So I gave a hard kick. The jeans came off, but my toe hit the wall. As I jumped around the room in pain, my mind added to my Book of Rules: “Always […]
Viriditas: Father Manuel Hewe, diocesan priest
Prayer for busy people In seminary, we once had this discussion: “Why can’t people pray?” People are always saying that they don’t have time for it. So, how are we able to inculcate in their minds the importance of relating to God, the Source? Otherwise, they will become like a well that when it dries, […]
Viriditas: Sister Eva Joseph Mesina, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Coming to see God face-to-face I love teaching. It is really an energizer for me to prepare parents for their children’s reception of the sacraments. In the required classes I give them the theology and spirituality of that sacrament. The content focuses on not only what they are supposed to do when those events take […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Fifth Sunday of Lent
Renounce sin and to turn to Christ Isaiah 43:16-21 Philippians 3:8-14 John 8:1-11 The Book of Isaiah supplies the first reading for this weekend in Lent. The reading is from the second part of Isaiah, written at a time that was not the best period in the history of God’s people. The people had been […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Still sweet
I’m always a little embarrassed when someone asks what I’ve given up for Lent. I usually give up sweets, which sounds like a child’s choice. I did, in fact, start this practice in my early teens and have been more faithful to it than to any more “adult” discipline. So I was thrilled to read […]
Mary Adamski: A perfect teaching moment
Catholic schools in Hawaii suspended lesson plans and used the past month of historical and dramatic events in Rome as a teaching opportunity. With 21st century fixation on immediate information, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, and the selection of his successor reached the level of breaking news around the world for the past month. […]
Viriditas: Father David Lupo, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
The mystery of God When I was a child I was attracted to the trappings of church. There were the stained glass windows and the life-sized crucifix that the old Italian ladies would go up to and while rubbing the toe of Jesus, bless themselves by. There was also the incense, and the darkness. These […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Third Sunday of Lent
God alone is your sure support Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12 Luke 13:1-9 In the first reading, from the Book of Exodus, Moses encounters God. Moses was tending his father-in-law’s flock when suddenly an angel appeared and led Moses to a bush. The bush, although on fire, did not burn. Then God — […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Right out loud
I once thought that silent prayer was the best prayer — no requests, no words, just a quiet lifting of the soul to her Maker. Then I read about indulgences and the spiritual practices connected with them. The rosary is listed with the instruction to pray aloud. Audible prayers are recommended for Stations of the […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Forget it
Scripture tells us, over and over, that we are to forgive those who hurt us. Moreover, we are to forgive others the way God has forgiven us. His forgiveness is total and unconditional. So, we, too, are to forgive and forget. That second action is the real toughie. Time helps with some trespasses. We seldom […]