You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) The Lord is the grounding point of my life. From driving a tractor on a dairy farm where I grew up, to […]
Father Kenneth Doyle: Should we go to weddings of cohabitating couples?
Q: My husband and I have an issue that we really struggle with. We are often invited to the wedding of a Catholic couple who have already been living together. We understand cohabitation before marriage to be very wrong in the eyes of God and of the church. Should we go to these weddings? It […]
John Garvey: The pill and same-sex marriage
Many people have expressed surprise at the speed with which same-sex unions went from being a crime and a sin to being a constitutional right. Exactly 50 years ago, to far less fanfare, the Supreme Court of the United States decided that married couples had a constitutional right to prescription contraceptives. (The FDA had approved […]
Kathleen T. Choi: Control
I’ve been thinking a lot about Adam and Eve lately. I’ll say why in a minute. First, let’s look at the story. God creates the earth and fills it with all that is necessary to sustain life. Its abundance is that of a lush garden. He creates a man and a woman to tend this […]
Manaolana | Lisa Gomes: How is the church structured?
YOUCAT*: In the Church there are the laity and clerics. As children of God, they are of equal dignity. They have equally important but different tasks. The mission of the laity is to direct the whole world toward the kingdom of God. In addition, there are the ordained ministers (clerics), who have the duties of […]
Manaolana | Makana Aiona: Family play day
Today’s tip: Hold a “family play day” for a few hours on a Saturday for young adult parents. I am a rookie parent and it is difficult. I used to jump at any great adult faith formation opportunity from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on a weeknight, but now I just can’t decide on whether […]
Manaolana |Karen Osborne: Making plans, not excuses, to attain dreams
How much do you like the band One Direction? What would you do to see them in concert? Would you work hard for the ticket money? Or would you make an excuse and not go? My niece saw One Direction for the first time last year. She had the time of her life. When she […]
Talk story | Office for Social Ministry: Doing something about it
“God is able to multiply our tiny gestures of solidarity, let us participate in his gift … Jesus offers the fullness of life for those who hunger.”(Pope Francis, July 26, 2015) Many enjoy Ala Moana Beach Park for the ocean, the surf and family barbecues. Yet a few hundred yards away at Kewalo Basin, people […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: The living bread
Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58 The Book of Proverbs, the source of this weekend’s first reading, is part of the Wisdom Literature. This literature, forming an important part of the Old Testament, came to be in an interesting development of history. As years passed, and in circumstances good and bad, many Jews left the […]
Father John Catoir: Miracles for saints and sinners
There are many things you should know about miracles. They are frequent occurrences. They happen all over the world. But most important, they happen to saints and sinners when you say humbly: “Thy will be done, dear Lord.” A lot of people scoff at the possibility of supernatural miracles, but saints treat them as normal. […]
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