Question corner Q: If, indeed, abortion is the church’s preeminent issue, then why don’t we hear a pro-life petition as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at every Mass? A: Many parishes do include a pro-life intention as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass every week. However, it is true that […]
Elizabeth Scalia: Remember prayer comes in many forms
Commentary St. Philip Neri once had a penitent confess to indulging in gossip. He advised the contrite soul to bring him a chicken, and to pluck its feathers as he walked the streets of Rome. When the man showed up with the chicken, his penance fulfilled, the great saint told him, “Now, brother, gather up […]
Talk story: Accept suffering, uplift others on path toward joy
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” — Philippians 2:7-8 This passage from St. Paul’s message to the Philippians about the Christ’s incarnation is very profound, especially during Holy Week when we are […]
Effie Caldarola: Let us be signs of Christ’s mercy
COMMENTARY As a small child, I was a bit of a religious nerd. I’m not sure why, but I was the oldest child, the only daughter, and our little Catholic mission parish in farm country was central to our lives. From a young age, faith intrigued me. Case in point: I remember taking a toy […]
Jenna Marie Cooper: Group is in violation of canon law
QUESTION CORNER Q: I greatly enjoyed a recent article about our Orthodox brothers and sisters having a valid celebration of the Eucharist. My question is, can the same be said of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC)? Given your logic about the Orthodox churches, it would seem to me that the PNCC also has apostolic […]
David Spesia: Eucharistic dynamic is tough, but fulfilling
COMMENTARY Jesus’ entire existence was Eucharistic. If you and I are going to live as his disciples and respond wholeheartedly to the gift of his grace, our lives need to be marked by a Eucharistic dynamic. This Eucharistic dynamic is as simple as it is profound. It emerges most clearly on the night before Our […]
Jaymie Stuart Wolfe : Embrace Lenten practices all year long
COMMENTARY Living liturgically means approaching Lent as a built-in annual retreat. For most Catholics, that takes a time-tested and traditional shape. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are, after all, the hallmarks of the season. So, we set aside more time to pray. We abstain from meat on Fridays, give up something we enjoy and try […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Life is changed for the better
EASTER SUNDAY Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-9 A variety of biblical readings occurs in the course of liturgical celebrations for Easter. For instance, the Liturgy of the Word for the Easter Vigil is unsurpassed among all the feasts of the year. These reflections center upon the readings for the Eucharist […]
Sherry Hayes-Peirce: Technology helps kids recall sacraments
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TIPS This week is a time when we all celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the birth of Christianity and for some, their own personal baptism into our faith at the Easter Vigil. The importance of this holy day is historic for your family and in the church. It’s a time to remember […]
Mary Adamski: Bevy of birds brings focus, inspiration
VIEW FROM THE PEW Every time I set out on this journey of stringing words and ideas together, my mind drifts back to student days. I’m back in a high school math class desperately mentally mumbling formulas for some GPA-significant test. A worse nightmare, it’s a college philosophy class where the overnight caffeinated cramming is […]
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