LEGISLATIVE REPORT The frenzied action on the bills reported in my last column is beginning to wind down now that we are moving toward final decking — the legislative point-in-time where bills are finalized in the opposite chamber and are returned to the originating one. Bills that have changed since they crossed over will either […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Renounce sin, turn to Christ
FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Isaiah 43:16-21; Philippians 3:8-14; John 8:1-11 The Book of Isaiah supplies the first reading for this weekend in Lent. The reading is from the second part of Isaiah, written at a time that was not the best period in the history of God’s people. The people had been rescued from exile. […]
Father Kenneth Doyle: In Lent, do Sundays count? Is the pope promoting a one-world religion?
QUESTION CORNER Q: My mother was very religious and she always told us that during Lent, whatever you gave up — ice cream, candy, etc. — you could have on Sundays. Is that true? Do Sundays count as part of Lent? (Green Bay, Wisconsin) A: I’ll answer your second question first, because that’s the easier […]
Richard Doerflinger: Losing our humanity to robots?
A MORE HUMAN SOCIETY As a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, I have attended its annual assemblies in Rome since 2012. Pope Francis has asked the academy to explore a range of issues with moral implications, in keeping with an “integral ecology” linking respect for human life with human solidarity and respect […]
John Garvey: Not so fast
INTELLECT AND VIRTUE I probably shouldn’t admit this in front of my grandchildren, but I am a fan of McDonald’s fish sandwiches. When I was a young lawyer in San Francisco, my firm’s office was right across Market Street from a McDonald’s, and every day for a year, I had two fish sandwiches and a […]
Commentary: The call for a living wage
By Dawn Morais Webster Special to the Herald “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, […]
Father Marty Solma, Society of Mary (Marianists): Nigeria, prayer and fasting
VIRIDITAS: SOUL GREENING Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP Hawaii Catholic Herald It was on Halloween night, as I was in my third year of teaching in Cincinnati, that I got a call asking if I would go to Nigeria for three years. I said, “What?!” Struggling to discern, I did two things. First, […]
Talk story: The desert speaks
OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY “We can’t allow more tragedies like these. They cannot be repeated … Innocents have died because we have done everything to keep them from finding a dignified life … The desert speaks, and we can hear the shouts of the land telling us that our policies have consequences. (Bishop Mark Seitz […]
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Food for the journey
FAITH AT HOME “Bring double the snacks. Leave half the clothes.” When I was a brand-new mother, preparing to bring our first baby on his first plane ride, a wise friend with older kids shared her advice for packing for family vacations. I stared down at the tower of onesies I’d folded, next to one […]
Father Kenneth Doyle: Do I need an annulment?
QUESTION CORNER Q: I was married by a minister/attorney 40 years ago. My husband was Jewish, and the marriage ended in a divorce after nine months. I now want to marry a man who is a widower. We are both active Catholics, and we want to be married in the church. Will I need […]
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