Welcome to 2013! The suggestion today comes from two of my favorite sources, realministry.org and youngadultministryinabox.com. To start off the new calendar year, Young Adult Ministry In A Box proposes having a New Year’s discernment party to come up with new year resolutions by asking, “How do I want to live?” Go deeper than just […]
Cardinal Timothy Dolan in Kalaupapa: ‘This has been a lifetime dream’
Cardinal Timothy Dolan spoke with the Hawaii Catholic Herald briefly after the luau about the celebration for St. Marianne. Here are excerpts from that conversation. On the invitation to Molokai When Bishop Silva offered his gracious invitation, it wasn’t so much to a place, as to people, namely a person who’s had a towering influence […]
Christina Capecchi: Say yes to new risks and new graces in 2013
Barbara Benson Keith’s wake-up call came while chatting with a fellow kindergarten teacher at the end of a school day. Her colleague said, “‘I hope in 10 years I’m right here in this classroom doing the same thing,’” Barbara recalled. “And inside I was like, ‘Ack! No!’ That didn’t appeal to me at all.” In […]
Heralding back: Jan. 18, 2013
50 years ago – Jan. 18, 1963 CYO Elementary Basketball League opens on Oahu — The Cathedral Eagles Limited and Unlimited teams opened defense of their title, sweeping a doubleheader from the St. Theresa’s Beavers. In the limited game, the Cathedral Eaglets trounced the little Beavers 30-10. 25 years ago – Jan. 15, 1988 Rain […]
Manaolana | Lisa’s catechism corner: The meaning of the Sign of the Cross
*YOUCAT: Through the Sign of the Cross we place ourselves under the protection of the Triune God. [2157, 2166] “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” How many of you, as you read these words started to make the Sign of the Cross over yourself? Be […]
Photo: Priests on retreat
Local priests gathered at St. Stephen Diocesan Center in Kaneohe for the annual Priests’ Retreat, Jan. 6-11. The theme of the retreat was “The New Evangelization: Challenges and Promises.” Auxiliary Bishop William Antonio of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, Philippines served as the retreat director. Right, Bishop Antonio gives a talk on new media; above, […]
Hawaii celebrates St. Marianne back at her Kalaupapa home
The final major event for the canonization of Hawaii’s new saint is attended by the apostolic nuncio, the president of the U.S. bishops conference, the bishop of Syracuse and hundreds more Hawaii held its final major event celebrating the canonization of St. Marianne Cope in the same place she practiced her inexhaustible charity, mostly unseen, […]
Kauai’s first, final Franciscan Sister leaves
If the Japanese haiku poet Matsuo Basho were alive, he might write that even the waterfalls of Kauai — of Hanakapiai along the Na Pali Coast; to Wailua, north of Lihue; to the Kalalau Valley in Waimea — might be crying. They had witnessed the birth of five Kauai girls who became Sisters of St. […]
‘Dialogues of the Carmelites,’ an opera of love and sacrifice, coming to Hawaii
The final scene in Francis Poulenc’s “Dialogues of the Carmelites” has been described as one of the most dramatic moments in opera repertoire. “You’re going to feel like someone punched you in the gut,” said Karen Tiller, executive director of Hawaii Opera Theatre which is bringing the opera to Hawaii for the first time next […]
Grateful Hearts Campaign: Project e-Formation in faith
Jayne Mondoy had a hope for the diocese. As the director of religious education, she wanted to make learning about the Catholic faith easily accessible and convenient for educators and laypeople throughout the diocese. Through a With Grateful Hearts grant and with more than six months of research and curriculum development, she was able to […]