50 years ago – Feb. 1, 1963 The Diocese of Honolulu has another new priest to serve the Catholic populace of the 50th State. He is Father Lawrence N. Takao, who was ordained Sunday afternoon by the Most Reverend James J. Sweeney, Bishop of Honolulu, in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Peace Cathedral. 25 […]
Tucson’s Bishop Kicanas to speak here on immigration reform
A bishop whose state has often found itself at the epicenter of the national debate on immigration will address the hot topic here in April as a guest lecturer at Chaminade University/St. Louis School. Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas of Tucson, Ariz., will speak on “Catholic Social Teaching and Immigration Reform” at 4 p.m. April 7 […]
Red Mass Homily | Sister Alicia Damien Lau, OSF: St. Marianne brought gift of ‘pono,’ righteousness, to the afflicted
Here is the prepared text of the talk delivered by Sister Alicia Damien Lau, a Sister of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, at the Diocese of Honolulu’s Red Mass, Jan. 17, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. Aloha! In its profoundest spiritual sense, “to come together face to face” (alo) […]
Chaminade MBA project to review Hawaii Catholic Schools strategic plan
The Hawaii Catholic Schools Office has had a history of cooperation and collaboration with Chaminade University of Honolulu. The newest effort involves Chaminade’s Master of Business Administration instructors and students working with the Hawaii Catholic Schools Office and several schools on a “Chaminade/HCS Strategic Plan Implementation Review.” It is hoped that this project will lead […]
Jesus captivating my heart: A few short months from ordination, Island-born Jesuit reflects on his 14-year passage to priesthood
Jesuit Phillip Alcon Ganir, the son of Brigido and Lourdes Ganir of Foster Village, Honolulu, was ordained a deacon with 10 others by Bishop Patrick McGrath of San Jose on Oct. 20, 2012, at Santa Clara University in San Jose, Calif. The diaconate is the last major transition on his 14-year path to the priesthood. […]
Manaolana | Sidebar: Jan. 18, 2013
Quote “Taize doesn’t exist to provide dogma, but to bring people together to discuss them and work through the messiness.” | Gregory Stark, 21, a senior at Kenyon College and an Episcopalian who participated in a pilgrimage of the Taize community to Rome Dec. 28-Jan. 2. The gathering of 45,000 Christian faithful consisted primarily of […]
BILAC’s Maui ‘franchise,’ VILAC, debuts in April
First there was BILAC. Now there’s VILAC. For more than 35 years, BILAC (Big Island Liturgy and Arts Conference) has provided communitarian-based experiences of prayer, the liturgical arts and spiritual growth for hundreds of participants. Starting in April, VILAC (Valley Isle Liturgy and Arts Conference) hopes to do the same annually on Maui. BILAC was […]
Hawaii Catholic Harold’s Quiz: Jan. 18, 2013
We’re entering a short stretch of Ordinary Time, Heraldians. It’s nice to take a breather in between the festive Christmas season and the penitential period of Lent. But don’t rest on your laurels — I’m here to keep you sharp with another quiz! 1) Saints Which of the following is NOT true about St. Sebastian? […]
Manaolana | Makana’s helpful hints: Dream board party
Welcome to 2013! The suggestion today comes from two of my favorite sources, realministry.org and youngadultministryinabox.com. To start off the new calendar year, Young Adult Ministry In A Box proposes having a New Year’s discernment party to come up with new year resolutions by asking, “How do I want to live?” Go deeper than just […]
Cardinal Timothy Dolan in Kalaupapa: ‘This has been a lifetime dream’
Cardinal Timothy Dolan spoke with the Hawaii Catholic Herald briefly after the luau about the celebration for St. Marianne. Here are excerpts from that conversation. On the invitation to Molokai When Bishop Silva offered his gracious invitation, it wasn’t so much to a place, as to people, namely a person who’s had a towering influence […]