The diocese’s eighth deacon formation class is publishing a cookbook to raise money for “Star Light, Star Bright,” an annual project of the diocesan Office for Prison Ministry that reunites women incarcerated at the Oahu Women’s Community Correctional Center and their children for a Christmas party.
The book, available in October, will contain the favorite recipes of Hawaii’s deacon community throughout the state.
Through donations, Star Light, Star Bright provides Christmas gifts for children and their mothers, pays for inter-island transportation for neighbor island families, and provides food and games for a yearly celebration on the correctional center grounds.
The books cost $15 plus $2 for mailing. Send check or money order to RCCH – Starlight Starbright Cookbook, c/o Deacon Formation Class Eight, 91-1116 Lanakoi Street, Kapolei, HI 96707.