Our Lady of Good Counsel School in Pearl City is sponsoring its first annual golf tournament fundraiser, Sept. 12 at Hawaii Prince Golf Club on Fort Weaver Road. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Shotgun start is 11:30 a.m.
The tournament format is scramble, with a minimum of three drives per player, no mulligans. The maximum handicap: 24 for men and 36 for women. The event includes putting, greenies and closest-to-the-pin contests and a $10,000 hole in one prize. A dinner and awards banquet will follow.
The money raised will be used for student scholarships for the 2015-16 school year, both for new students and for those already enrolled.
The entry fees are $500 for a team sponsor, $800 for a platinum sponsor and $2,500 for a tournament sponsor.
Contact principal Cindy Olaso at colasoolgc@yahoo.com for more information or a team registration form. Go to http://www.olgcchurch.org/news/golf to see the complete brochure and for the details of the sponsorship levels.