Cheers to the New Year, quizzicals! I have a fun hodgepodge of questions below ready to test your Catholic trivia chops once again. Enjoy!
1) Saints
Which of the following is true about St. Genevieve, whose feast is celebrated Jan. 3?
a) She is the saint invoked against plagues
b) The sparing of Paris from an invasion of the Huns was attributed to her prayers
c) She died in 512
d) All of the above
2) Scripture
In the Gospel reading (Matthew 2:1-12) for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, why did the Magi decide not to return to Herod after finding the Christ child?
a) The innkeeper had told them to go another way
b) They had no money for the route back
c) They were warned in a dream not to
d) The road out of Bethlehem had been destroyed by an unexpected storm
3) Definitions
What is a chasuble?
a) The sleeveless outer garment worn by priests at Mass
b) The area of the church where the congregation sits
c) The veil used to cover a tabernacle
d) The small metal container used to carry the Eucharist to the homebound
4) Church in Hawaii
Which religious order of nuns was the first to arrive in the Islands in 1859?
a) Franciscan Sisters
b) Sacred Hearts Sisters
c) Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
d) Dominican Sisters
5) Devotions
What is the Fifth Luminous Mystery of the rosary?
a) The Baptism of Jesus
b) The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper
c) The Proclamation of the Kingdom
d) The Wedding at Cana
6) Prayers
Which famous prayer begins with the line, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”?
a) Prayer of St. Francis
b) Memorare
c) Sub Tuum Praesidium
d) Litany of Loreto
7) Other Religions
Which faith was derived from Babism, an off-shoot religion of Islam?
a) Jainism
b) Sikhism
c) Baha’i
d) Zoroastrianism
Answers: 1) d, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) b, 6) a, 7) c