Bishop’s Schedule
- February 2, 8:30 am, Mass at the Annual Conference of Catholic Educators, St. Patrick Church, Kaimuki.
- February 3, 11:00 am, Funeral Mass of Deacon Stephen Kula, Holy Trinity Church, Kuliouou.
- February 5-13, Retreat of the Bishops of the San Francisco Province, Los Altos, California.
- February 14, 12:00 pm, Mass for Ash Wednesday, Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu.
- February 15, 12:00 pm, Hawaii Catholic Conference, St. Stephen Diocesan Center, Kaneohe.
- Bishop Silva has appointed Mr. Patrick Guzman and Mr. Keone Hurdle to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities Hawaii.
- Bishop Silva has appointed Mr. Abe Correia and Mr. Kaulana Park to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities Housing Development Corporation.