Sister Ursolina Santos Asinas (Sister Rosal) (Photo courtesy of Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP)
Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Before I came to Hawaii in 2021, I worked in a school and in my religious congregation in Italy for about 10 years. As a Missionary Sister of Faith of 39 years, I remember early on a priest telling me, “Wherever you go be fruitful, be happy.” According to my experience as a Missionary Sister of Faith, one does need to be happy wherever one is sent. Because, if one is not happy, who is the one to suffer? Oneself. So, leave all things to God and have faith wherever you are sent.
On the day of the Lahaina wildfire, I settled in the chapel to pray the rosary. As I heard the winds grow stronger, I prayed. “O Lord, I do not know what will happen to us as there is no safe place to go. If I die, at least I will die with you in the chapel.” Then I heard the sisters shouting, “Let’s go, let’s go!” I responded, “Where do you want to go? This is the safest place.” Then I heard Father Kuriakose shout, “Let’s go, let’s go!” And then, I woke up. It was as if I was in a slumber, in the clouds already. When we got out of the building, the smoke was already very dark and thick. It was painful to open my eyes.
I realize I could have died that time. Since then I have wondered what my mission is, why am I still here? There must be something yet God wants me to do.
The book of Job 1:21 reminds us: “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” As I look at my life now, when we speak of what happened to us during the fire we are not really recovered. It has been hard for me to wrap my head around being a victim and yet also a helper to victims at the same time.
In the Philippines whenever there was a typhoon, flooding or other, the school I served in was the one that provided shelter, food and necessities for those affected. However, here the more people I encounter the stronger I become. We are all in the same boat. The difference is that I try to put all that has happened to us in the hands of God. Only God can help us; only faith can save us.
God has not abandoned us. We are still living, still surviving due to the grace of God. We may not feel blessed due to discouragement. What can I say to another who shares, “I lost my brother. I lost my house. I lost everything.” I can only hug them and give courage. That in turn gives me courage. I feel more the love of God in that he gives me a chance to do more. There are also the many people all over the world who have reached out to help us. Through them, we feel the love of God. In turn, with faith I try to continue to be an instrument to share his love, to be happy.