From left, Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary Sister Emelinda Magos, general treasurer and sixth councilor; Sister Eda Janagap, fifth general councilor; former Hawaii missionary Sister Maria Luz Mission, first general councilor; Mother Nemia Daral, prioress general; Father Honorato Castigador, canon lawyer; Sister Arlene Laude, third general councilor; former Hawaii missionary Sister Bernarda Sindol, second general councilor; Sister Arlene Nacionales, fourth general councilor and general secretary. (Courtesy photo)
By Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Special to the Herald
The Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines held their 13th general chapter (meeting), July 2-22, at the Holy Rosary Prayer and Reflection Center in Calumpang, Molo, Iloilo City in the Philippines. The general chapter is the highest governing body of the institution while in session. During chapter meetings, the sisters collegially evaluate their consecration and mission. Legislation that is no longer purposeful is set aside and new ones are enacted.
Sister Maria Luz Mission, who taught at St. John the Baptist School in Kalihi and Sister Bernarda Sindol, who pioneered the opening of St. Joseph School, Makawao, served as principal of St. Elizabeth School, Aiea, and as regional superior of Hawaii, were elected to the new leadership team.
The new leadership team includes Mother Nemia Daral, prioress general; Sister Maria Luz Mission, first general councilor; Sister Bernarda Sindol, second general councilor; Sister Arlene Laude, third general councilor; Sister Arlene Nacionales, fourth general councilor and general secretary; Sister Eda Janagap, fifth general councilor; Sister Emelinda Magos, general treasurer and sixth councilor.
Delegates from the Hawaii Region included Sister Delia Obenza, Sister Bernarda Sindol, Sister Leonarda Montealto, Sister Malia Dominica Wong, Sister Alma Amancio, and Sister Cecilia Fabular. Delegates from the Philippine District who were formerly assigned to Hawaii included Mother Felicitas Macsera, Mother Celestine Bancal, Sister Gemma Sobredilla, Sister Laurencia Camayudo, Sister Scholastica Mondejar, Sister Maria Luz Mission, Sister Edna Billones, Sister Marylou Superio. Sister Candelaria Alcarde and Sister Emilie Basitas served as chapter alternates.
Former Hawaii regional superior and prioress general Mother Felicitas Macsera is the oldest member of the congregation at 93 years. As the congregation celebrates its 98th anniversary of its founding this year, she gives living witness to the spirit of the foundress Venerable Rosario Arroyo of the Visitacion.
Also a former prioress general, Mother Celestine Bancal chaired the Commission on Common Life which served to review the legislation regarding the sisters living with “one heart and mind in God.” Sister Laurencia Camayudo, a former superior of the Dominican Center Hawaii community led pre-chapter proceedings. She is now the regional superior of the Mindanao region.
Looking forward to the celebration of 100 years in 2025, the sisters live their Vision and Mission:
Vision: We, the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines (OP-Molo) inspired by our foundress Venerable Rosario de la Visitacion’s love for the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and concern for the poor are called to sanctify ourselves and others.
Mission: Faithful to our calling as consecrated women, we live in prayerful, joyful and caring communities and witness to the Gospel values in our daily lives. In loving service to the church and society, we offer Christ-centered and life-giving ministries for the integral well-being of the people we serve, especially the poor.
Next year, the Hawaii Region celebrates the 60th anniversary of its establishment.