Hawaii’s Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities March 8 at St. Francis Kupuna Village in Liliha. (Photo courtesy of Lauri Rasmussen)
By Sister Davilyn Ah Chick, OSF
Special to the Herald
St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii celebrated National Catholic Sisters Week by honoring all of our Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities on March 8. Our sisters living at the Plaza in Kaneohe and in Kalaupapa came to join our sisters in Honolulu at St. Francis Kupuna Village in Liliha.
The morning began with Mass celebrated by Father Mario Palanca, followed by group picture taking to remember our time together. We then ate a delicious lunch, which culminated with an order-your-own amazing scrumptious ice cream sundae with all the toppings, and lots of time to socialize.
The healthcare system’s staff gave each of us an orchid lei and a fruit basket. Most of all, they shared their loving presence and valuable time to make us feel more than special. We continue to thank God for them and all they do for God’s people with the many services, programs and projects offered by St. Francis Healthcare System.
Mahalo nui loa Father Mario Palanca, Melissa Ah Ho-Mauga, Lori Higa, Lynette Tsukamoto, Debbie Ramelb, Lauri Rasmussen, Kaui Asing, Angela Houghton, Paul Nakamura and Kyle, Craig Shaner and Marina Talisayan! May God continue to bless all of you for always being extra good to us, your loving Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities. We surely love you, pray for you, and thank God for you!
Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, one week out of 52, pays homage to all the women religious who are disciples of Jesus 24/7. There are 174 religious sisters, brothers and priests from 20 religious congregations serving in our Diocese of Honolulu.