Middle school Edge participants take a group photo at the Benedictine Monastery in Waialua. (Photo courtesy of Bernie Manoa, youth minister at St. Elizabeth Church, Aiea)
By Bernie Manoa
Special to the Herald
On Saturday morning, March 26, the Edge middle school youth group of St. Elizabeth Parish in Aiea headed out to Benedictine Monastery of Hawaii in beautiful Waialua for a day of recollection and reflection. Attending from the parish school were all the sixth graders and some of the seventh and eighth graders.
Joining them were Confirmation candidates from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Wahiawa, and Mary, Star of the Sea Parish in Waialae-Kahala.
The theme for the day was “Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Benedictine Sister Celeste “CC” Cabral welcomed us and tricked St. Elizabeth student Ryder Coballes into leading the youth with the opening prayer. Awesome job, Ryder!
The morning’s ice breaker game started with “toilet paper dodgeball.” At lunch we asked the teens to write down names of two new friends they made.
Seminarian Kurt Meyer joined us after lunch and led, in his humorous way, the “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” We ended with the “Robin’s Egg Story” by JP Quejada. That was an amazing presentation!
The youth returned to St. Elizabeth Church for 5 p.m. Mass. The pastor, Father Arnold Ortiz, acknowledged them in his homily. The congregation prayed over the youth who were each given a crucifix to wear proudly.
Thank you to Lisa Gomes and Kalei Wong, Sister “CC” and Benedictine Monastery, Brother Kurt Meyer, Irene Sayaboc, Kalani Joshua, Tim Volk, JP Quejada, Eryn Souza-Yamaguchi and Father Arnold for making the day possible.